There are only 33 people in the line though.
Either you get to 33 and there are no more and the track just ends or it’s “nuke the planet” or dont for everyone else above 33.
There are only 33 people in the line though.
Either you get to 33 and there are no more and the track just ends or it’s “nuke the planet” or dont for everyone else above 33.
Nah. Thats not racist. Stating that countries primarily populated by non-whites are somehow too weak or lazy to fight for themselves, however, is definitely pretty racist.
Bro, you went so far that you actually became racist yourself. You literally said: “Do help themselves” == “white” “Don’t help themselves” == “not white”
You are pushing the american stereotype for “lazy immigrants”
Thats kinda cringe tbh.
Yeah. I like giving advantage/disadvantage because it tells the player: your roleplay positively/negatively impacted the outcome. Luckily i am blessed with good players that will play their characters even if it means a less than ideal outcome.
In my games the DM calls for a check. The player describes their intentions and then the DM calls for a check when appropriate. So if someone gives really good reasoning for an NPC to act a certain way, there might not be a persuasion roll, if the character says something dumb then the roll DC might increase. The point is, no one is allowed to say “i roll persuasion to get them to do X”
TIL my friendships with my bros are about 5x healthier than average.
I read this thought it sounded super melodramatic and exaggerated. I guess it’s just more rare to have deep friendships with the boys. Looking back it got me thinking that I might be the weird one with friends that have deep conversations and know/worry about the others mental health.
So i guess, to any guys that read this and felt like it could have been written about them: go out on a limb and talk to your friends. Chances are they want/need a more meaningful friendship too. They are also probably similarly apprehensive about opening up.
No no no. We FIXED them. Imagine being br*tish. Putting random “u”s in words. ColOur hOnoUr mOuLd. Imagine having a whole letter that only the 1%ers can even pronounce (its “t” pronounced like “s” but with a burst of air instead of a stream of air, and more pressure from the tongue onto the hard palate). We turned linguistic drift into linguistic power-slide.
Any time i hear a br*tish “person” talking, regardless of location or occasion, i rev my Ford f-450 supermax lifted truck (from which i removed the muffler) as hard as i can. This produces three strictly beneficial effects:
1 i can no longer hear the br*t “talking” 2 all of the smoke blocks sight of who is talking 3 the beautiful aroma that comes from the powerful black smoke reminds me of the most important things in life freedom, privatized healthcare, and tea in the ocean.
Oh yeah? Well i got my GED while in the womb. They had to surgically insert testing materials. I didn’t really need to study because i was “gifted” (an insufficient term for how mind-bogglingly great my intelligence truly is) By the time I could physically build up the strength to walk (~2 months old) i had already gotten 3 PhDs in theoretical physics, psychology, and organic chemistry. But nooo, i am just “average”. Yeah right, i am multiple orders of magnitude above even the most intelligent “average” person.
My first birthday is in 44 days and i have already consumed and understood all information on this planet and am looking to the stars for further stimulus. The only illusion here is your assumption that you can understand a fraction of my intelligence.
Isn’t that poisonous in large quantities?
I am obviously not in the know, but what exactly am i looking at?
Rabbit prison deer.
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