We definitely don’t call them that.
Also we have Bourbon Biscuits which are just lovely.
We definitely don’t call them that.
Also we have Bourbon Biscuits which are just lovely.
Yeah that British person was trying to wind up OP.
Bourbons shit all over oreos too, oreos are perhaps the most overrated biscuit out there.
Oreos are horrible, over baked and hard tasteless pucks of biscuit with a lump of fat in the middle. Custard Creams piss all over them.
Calling any cookie a biscuit gives me the urge to buy a musket and tricorn hat
Calling scones biscuits and eating them with savory meals makes me want to ship all our criminals to Georgia again.
Someone really needs to start making actual bourbon biscuits.
Like, yeah, they're the best and all that. But, what if I need that bit of something to get me through the day? I can't have a drink at 9 am because it's frowned upon. But a biscuit? Yeah, that's calm.
If only drinking wasn’t frowned upon. Why is the only time I can have a pint at 6am is if I’m in the airport?
I mean that costs so much more money! 😂
Oreos taste like nothing anyway. So not a loss in my book.
If there's no hobnobs, no custard creams, no bourbon, no fly cemeteries, no Garibaldis, no choccy digestives
I'd still rather eat a pink wafer before an Orio
They're like the biscuit equivalent of beige
I can only stand them dipped in milk, and I'd rather have any of the things you mentioned over just a plain Oreo. And I'm an American who doesn't even know what those things are...
Thank you, I remember being young and trying them for the first time excited as American culture had bigged them up no end, and they turned out to be bland as anything and nothing on a custard cream.
The part I'm most offended by is thinking Oreos are chocolate. I know chocolate, and you, Oreo, are no chocolate
Yeah, what even is it? Just some weird black crumb shit
You mean Hydrox, right? The original chocolate sandwich biscuit.
The fact that the US considers Oreos edible is enough reason to resist US neocolonialism.
Yankee Doodle went to TOWN on that British ass
And sent the decent biccies packing aye nice one
That's what happens when you eat too many Neos
Well at least they don't call it Hydrox 💀
Hydrox supremacy 😤😤