
joined 1 year ago
submitted 2 weeks ago by simple to c/games

This looks GOOD. A turn based RPG? Published by a AAA company that isn't japanese? I can't believe it.


They're still trying to make Starfield a thing



[–] simple 2 points 5 months ago

Yes we are, but it took a minute or two to be able to see the post.

[–] simple 4 points 5 months ago
[–] simple 129 points 5 months ago

I'm really going to miss his videos, but I'm glad he's ending it on a happy note rather than dragging things on when he doesn't want to. Godspeed, Tom.

[–] simple 39 points 5 months ago (5 children)

The PlayStation 3 baby commercial was also something else. Playstation has had some real weird marketing moments.

[–] simple 10 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Offtopic but I’m gonna try out monster hunter world to try to scratch the beeg monsta and beeg sord itch.

It has rolling so it's technically a souls-like. Godspeed.

[–] simple 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)


It’s similar to batocera in that it’s a minimalist UI front-end for emulators, but it’s a bit more modern and simpler to use. It can be used as an application (probably the recommended way), or installed as an operating system if you’re using something weak like a Raspberry Pi.

[–] simple 55 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Shoutout to my one friend that had no idea you were supposed to run from Asylum Demon and actually did beat it with the broken short sword

[–] simple 25 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Not at all, I don't think anyone has ever gotten banned for using alternate launchers on Linux. I've been using Heroic for ~2 years now with no issues.

The only time you can get banned is if you try playing a multiplayer game that has anti-cheat that doesn't support Linux. Just make sure when playing a multiplayer game that Linux is supported.

[–] simple 36 points 6 months ago

I'm not going to say using a different distro will fix all your problems but yeah, your experience is not normal. A lot of this is because Ubuntu is not highly recommended. It's just popular, but there are a bunch of terrible decisions it makes that barely anybody recommends it.

Of course Ubuntu just threw out the old installer for debian files, and didn’t replace it yet. Wouldn’t want a user to just be able to easily install files!

Checks out. Ubuntu is also one of the only modern distros that doesn't come with Flatpak, which is a massive store of applications that's quite easy to use and has a huge store of applications.

May I recommend something like PopOS instead? It's based on Ubuntu so everything from there will work on it, including .deb files. It's basically Ubuntu but with way, WAY saner defaults and a better beginner experience. I think your experience will be a lot better on a nicer distro.

[–] simple 88 points 6 months ago (6 children)

There was also one string of Tweets in which many seniors from the Overwatch crew blamed Kotick for sabotaging the franchise and ruining Overwatch 2 with terrible decisions from higher up getting in the way of development. I really felt that one since I used to be an OW fan.

Everyone knew something was off when the game director which was extremely passionate (Jeff Kaplan) just straight up left the team after OW2 was announced. Really sucks, but at least we got some context.

[–] simple 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Why chromium is explained in the article (better support for many apps) but you can always change it to firefox, also detailed in the upgrade article.

I upgraded from 38 to 39 with no issues. It's honestly not hard or dangerous, just copy paste a few lines then paste the last ones to prompt the upgrade. The only catch is that if you had KDE already you won't need to remove some of the packages it tells you about. Don't overthink it imo.

[–] simple 9 points 6 months ago

Posts like this are so reassuring because it means mods are doing their jobs well :)

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