
joined 1 year ago
[–] silver13 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Millennial here. You are completely right. You were born in a world and a system where you are constantly told everything is all right if you just work and consume and yet everything is falling apart and we are destroying our world and ourselves doing so while the "rewards" seem to be further away and feel more shallow than ever. It does not make sense and it's perfectly understandable to get apathetic over it. I only wish you would get more angry about it and less indifferent, but at the same I see that there is already way too much anger in the world and people are already constantly screaming at each other. Also, we didn't do enough either and failed to bring much substantial change. Gen Z ist right in the way they feel. You are not lazy or unambiguous or "lacking drive" or whatever. And it's also not the internet or smartphones or games or anime or whatever. It's a society headed to its doom by living a lie that's rotten to the core and the carrot you are supposed to chase starts to smell foul.

[–] silver13 1 points 7 months ago

Ihr könnt aus der Kirche austreten ohne persönlich zum Amt marschieren zu müssen!? weint in NRW

[–] silver13 17 points 7 months ago

Die Mitte schaut weg wenn die Nachbarn abgeholt werden

[–] silver13 39 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Und direkt danach die Anfragen für Schrödingers Klassismus: Grüne/Grüner mit akademischer Ausbildung: Abgehobene Elite, keine Ahnung vom echten Leben. Keine Akademische Ausbildung: Nichtskönner, faule Schmarotzer.

[–] silver13 10 points 8 months ago

Naja, es war die Entscheidung von Union/FDP/Springer das Thema so direkt mit Habeck zu verknüpfen. Mit Wärmepumpen als viel effizientere Heiztechnik und bei immer weiter steigenden Preisen für fossile kann man sich ja denken ob sich das auf Dauer auszahlt...

[–] silver13 2 points 8 months ago

I guess the only hope here is: Time is on your side. As with everything regarding kids it will be different over time, it will change. It's also amazing that you are doing this at all, I don't think many people would be able to manage this amount of work and stress and responsibility. Is there anyone, family or friends, who might help out from time to time?

[–] silver13 9 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Never thought about that, but I guess you could easily create circular reasoning with two or more publications citing each other?

[–] silver13 7 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Hartz 4 war zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine verständliche Reform, es hätte nur viel schneller wieder reformiert werden müssen, was rot/Grün auch seit Ewigkeiten fordert, aber die CDU natürlich blockiert hat.

[–] silver13 27 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Aber Hey, "iDiolOgieFrEi!"

[–] silver13 47 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Constant whining is basically a national sport in Germany. Yes, there are way too many poor and homeless people here too, but the ones crying the loudest are mostly middle class people who are financially secure. Its either that their neighbour has a bigger car or they blame society that no one likes them.

[–] silver13 18 points 10 months ago

Not much, since it covered only about 4% of the demand to begin with. Plus billions in compensations for nuclear companies if the plans had been changed again. Plus Billions to transport the waste through the country again and again because there is no storage safe enough on the long term. All of that money is by far better invested in renewables.

[–] silver13 20 points 10 months ago

Exactly, explaining something again and again In the same way and expecting that somehow it will begin to work is so goddamn stupid. Obviously if one angle doesn't work you have to try a different one.

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