Asche auf mein Haupt, erster Post, habs geändert :)
Stardew fucking Valley. Spent hundreds of hours with my wife on that game, amazing time!
Man as much as i love the man for creating my favorite soundtrack of all time, he never created anything even remotely comparable before or after lotr. I always wondered: What the hell happened with the guy at that time?
"There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning."
- Warren Buffett
I mean... they're quite open about it.
Im at the same point. I spent quite some Money on Studio one and plugins....i'll probably try a setup with Wine and/or Yabridge soon. Wouldnt mind that much if i had to switch to Reaper.
Nope, mp3 is not "better" than CD since its a lossy format. It uses how we perceive audio so we notice it as little as possible, but you definitely loose details
I'd say that tons of different battery technologies are in the making or already in production, same for recycling methods. I'd also say that people like you probably don't give a single fuck about the batteries in all their other devices. Cutting down the production by banning single use batteries , enforcing reuse and recycling and of course offer public transport as an alternative to EVs wherever it is possible are also pretty common demands among your big bad "globalist" crowd.
Den Nazis eine Livebühne mit Millionenpublikum bieten und später online Faktenchecks die kaum jemand sehen wird veröffentlichen. Glückwunsch ÖRR, ihr arbeitet mit Hochdruck an eurer Abschaffung.
Isnt this a bit "we found vague corellation between x and y in a system with a bazillion factors"?
"... and the Sex-crazed Zombie Cicadas" awesome name for a band
Fairerweise bedienen Schlagersendungen, Ferbsehgarten und das ganze Zeug das für Menschen u60 absolut unverständlich ist eine Zielgruppe die sonst nicht bedient wird weil anscheinend für Privatsender nicht attraktiv. Für die muss halt auch was produziert werden im ÖRR (aber wahrscheinlich nicht zwingend so viel/teuer)
Playing a ultra swede for years, no complaints :)