
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I don't recommend Overframe for anything other than sharing builds to people you know. The builds are usually out of date or badly un-optimised, and the community meta rankings don't have proper time-weighting and thus are also out of date, in addition to corresponding mostly to the official usage stats.

If you want weapon builds, I think the youtuber Gamble is a much better resource. He's not opinionated, he provides optimised builds, and he covers various levels of resources from newbie, midgame, and optimised.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Nice build! Pillage definitely has some nice properties for Banshee, and you're right, Silence helps deal with its big weakness in lacking CC. I think Vaz is also good for giving you breathing room to set up your CC and refresh your shield gate.

That said, I prefer Condemn as I usually go for longer runs, so I value eliminating as much stress and room for error as possible. The pacing of Condemn is very relaxed. Also nice to have a bit of CC for Demos and Acolytes, and I think fits the idea of Banshee supporting the team very well. On that, that's why I like to run range so I can help cover teammates with Silence from further away.

For Energize, as long as you're not using Decaying Key strats, Steadfast is a really nice substitute.

Rakta Dark Dagger, and single Daggers in general, are really nice on Banshee due to the synergy of Savage Silence and the Dagger forced finisher mechanic. That said, vs Infested, Banshee basically has free reign as Silence reduces them entirely to melee. As long as you stay mobile, she has a very easy time with them. Low range builds can also exploit Rapiers' amazing finisher damage with the same Savage Silence technique.


As a Dojo Frame, Banshee can be obtained extremely early in the game, although she has an unfortunate reputation as being very squishy and difficult to play. Contrary to her reputation, with a very small investment, she is one of the most in-control and chill CC/debuff frames.

Executive summary for people who don't want to watch the video and don't need a build demonstration: per my other post on survivability strats (, we'll be using a Condemn build, replacing Sound Quake, and a Resonating Quake Fractured Blast HCAB (FBHCAB) build, replacing Sonic Boom.

FBHCAB build: Swap Sonic Fracture for Resonating Quake, put FB or Lycath over Sonic Boom.

Condemnshee build: For Duviri, swap Equilibrium for Streamline and fish for some energy economy decrees, to taste.

Let me know in the comments if you would like demos of other nodes.


Not sure how well-known this is, but there's a fun interaction that happens in Circuit with certain abilities and the Deadly Decrees intrinsic.

Certain abilities are coded as projectiles, which you can check here: These abilities will scale off Deadly Decrees; they will also scale off "weapon enchant" type abilities, notably the Nourish helminth.

I've personally taken advantage of this with Final Stand on Styanax, Flechette Orb on Vauban, and Antimatter Drop/Antimatter Absorb on Nova.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Condemn Banshee is my fav. Fullstrip, massive damage vuln, great CC, your friends will love you. Pillage Gyre is amazing if you invest some red shards in her, mine's currently sitting at 430% strength.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

He really needs some kind of gating mechanic, because I think it's a bit rich to release a frame that can't go too far past 5 waves of SP Circuit when that's currently the big farming activity. Unbelievable they'd double down on Inaros as a design paradigm given how many issues the endurance crowd highlights with poor beetle boi.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Aww yeah, good timing to get a Banshee guide out to entice more people to try her.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I want the Incarnon Stug so bad.

Nemesis weapons usually upgrade old weapons that have fallen off, so I'd love for the Bio Labs melees to get some love. Mutalist Cernos would be pretty rad as well, since it's a really unique primer. Beyond that my personal wishlist would be Phage and Synapse, honestly not that they need any help, I just really like them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Recommend a Silence tank too, like Nezha or Revenant. I actually farm them on Banshee, since they seem to be susceptible to Condemn, and she stops their invuln mechanics with Silence. She can also remove Bonewidow's armour, but not Voidrig for some reason.

Stropha has the nice property of being able to hit the back weakpoint through the front of the mechs. Grattler's radial effect also seems to have this property, if you have your own mech.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Every weapon now has a unique "ammo per pickup" stat. Mutations just let you pick up the other type of ammo at a penalty. The ammo consolidation was partly to nerf the ammo economy of the worst offending radial weapons, since they still only get 1 ammo per pickup, but get significantly less pickups now.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

"Voicelog. To ease the separation from Cephalon Suda, I've started a friendly discourse with the ship cephalon. I genuinely think he likes me."

Same, girl, same. I wake up every day missing Suda.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I actually think the entirety of Duviri is meant to satirise the Orokin, and what they represent in the real world. The dragons are all fables meant to inculcate certain values, and Mathila's overall theme (and what DE is critiquing) is the idea of "tough love". Mathila is unempathetic and cruel. I wouldn't put any stock in her words, or any of the "advice" Euleria gives.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

The new challenge portals being Eximus Stronghold is kind of cruel. Time to roll up Pillage builds on all of my frames, because RIP Condemn.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

It makes me angry for Valkyr that they nerfed Hysteria, then turned around later and buffed Revenant's Mesmer Skin; and her claws can't slash while Garuda gets better Valkitty Klaws due to being the only exalted melee in the game that gets acolyte mods.

Excal still has a place in being the funny number melee frame. Nobody else gets to stack as many melee buffs as swordy boi.


While it's not developed by DE, it is published and supported by them, so I expect a lot of Tenno will have their eyes on it. I know from the beta I met a lot of other Warframe players.


Prior to Duviri, I put in some time acid testing boilerplate builds to get all my frames to scale into SP Circuit. I'll summarise the work here. I'm happy to answer any questions in the comments. Hopefully this will be of some use!

As a bonus, none of these require energy->shield mods or Decaying key, although using either or both adds an extra layer of survivability.

Infinite Scaling

Condemn helminth! Easily the comfiest and most reliable way of shield gating, as it CCs enemies and shield gates most frames in just two or three targets affected. The ability has a "soft" slam animation that has reduced priority over double jump and parkour, so casting during a double jump or bullet jump will keep you airborne. It's also a one-handed cast so does not interrupt reloads, and you can shoot mid-cast.

The important requirement is that you need to compensate range or strength on Overextended or Narrow Minded builds, or use the next helminth option.

Pillage helminth. Unlike Condemn, provides absolutely no CC, so I only recommend this on frames that have some kind of innate CC such as a slow, distraction, confusion, etc. Also a full-body cast so it prevents movement and other actions, and comes in at twice the casting cost.


The heck faction... until now. Silence helminth completely reduces them to melee, which should not be a problem with Warframe movement. Just don't get in a slap fight with any Disruptors or Toxic Ancients (or Venomous Eximus).

Silence prevents grapple hooks and Osprey clouds, as well as all Eximus casts. The only remaining mechanics are the Ancient stretch arm attack and MOA goop and clouds, but the MOA attacks do fixed low damage, so no biggy.

I just want to face tank to level 300

Health Conversion from Simaris, Arcane Blessing from Conjunction Survival, and your choice of Fractured Blast (same build constraints as Condemn) from Citrine, or Lycath's Hunt from Voruna (preferably don't dump stat Duration). Frames with inbuilt DR can go quite a bit farther than that, but even Banshee or Gyre can facetank with HCAB strats.

But I'm Inaros or Lavos

This section is theoretical, since I don't have Trickery.

Desiccate, Ophidian Bite, and Dagger heavy attacks force finishers, so you could use this with Arcane Trickery to stay invis. Otherwise possible helminths are Resonator (from Octavia), or Shooting Gallery (from Mesa) + Muzzle Flash augment.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In terms of community usage stats.

I really like Banshee, but I was shocked to learn she was at a mere 0.53% usage on last year's published stats. I'm also really fond of Yareli and Gyre.

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