
joined 2 years ago
[–] rowinxavier 1 points 2 months ago

I was holding back so hard on recommending EndeavourOS. I love it, it is my main distro and honestly everything else seems unrefined by comparison. The Timeshift setup with BTRFS is insanely useful and largely preconfigured. The lack of a GUI for package management is not a big deal if you can learn to use pacman and yay, and honestly cheat sheets are a win there. Hopefully EndeavourOS will work out for you, and if not then we can go with next steps for the WINE issue.

[–] rowinxavier 4 points 2 months ago

I don't think it makes sense as a term. If it occurs in the real world, has real impacts on it, but is hard to understand that doesn't mean it is supernatural, just not understood. The double slit experiment is not supernatural, just hard to understand. Things can happen in coincidental ways, but something had to happen so even if very coincidental it can be natural. What would it mean to be supernatural? I mean, really, some small part of the universe behaving badly for a moment for a reason we don't understand is not magic, it is just ignorance on our part. So I am open to phenomena, they happen, but a supernatural explanation could never be justified in my view. Just because I can't think of why something happens doesn't make it magic, it could far more easily be something we have seen time and again, my own ignorance.

[–] rowinxavier 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Oh, great, that actually limits what it is a lot. If it were related to video we could spend ages looking at codecs, drivers, all sorts of stuff.

If it happens in all windows including winecfg we have to be looking at a few causes.

Do you have a high polling rate mouse? That can cause a stutter issue. To test remove the mouse before launching something in wine (by terminal if you have to), then see if it replicates the issue. If no change, move on, next item.

You could be having a problem with your audio system trying to give things too quickly and falling over itself. Prefix the wine command with the below line.


So it would be something like


That should stop it if it is that audio issue, so see how you go.

Lastly, if you have winecfg running it is slowing itself down, but is it impacting other programs as well? I assume so, but want to make sure, so if you are for example playing a video in your browser and then launch winecfg does it start stuttering the video?

If none of the above helps can you dump the output of ps , mount, lspci -k, and iostat while no wine is running and while wine is running? Iostat is in iotools in mint I think, you may need to install it. Also, probably use a pastebin for the outputs.

[–] rowinxavier 5 points 2 months ago

I work in disability support. Some of the kids I am working with have gone over the last year from non speaking to using sign and are making real meaningful progress in their self care skills. They can keep going in the face of difficult times, so my problems don't seem so hard.

Also, in Australia we have the NDIS, a system for funding disability supports in a socialised manner without restricting what options someone uses too much. While all governmental systems (or any systems with money) are susceptible to grift progress is being made on catching fraudsters and prosecuting them while also closing the loopholes they exploit. The NDIS will be around for a long time to come and will help Australians with disabilities determine their own futures and make them a reality. There are problems with it but honestly it has been a game changer and I think it is a model for the rest of the world to aspire to.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Happily it seems they did do more.

Follow up study

They took the same control group and did a second set of experimental participants. They did find a difference between the groups, quite a significant one to be honest.

Now to see if it replicates, maybe we can aim for a lower INR. It would be ideal to not have quite so much bleed risk but also to not clot.

Edit: also, I am on warfarin and asparin with a mechanical valve, I was recommended a mechanical valve as it should outlast me and if I had a biovalve it would need replacement in 15 years max at which point it would be mechanical anyway. I'm in my mid thirties so if I have a second major surgery at 50 I will have to repair bone and muscle again and have rehab again, all at a lower likelihood of recovery. Going full mechanical means one surgery, lifelong warfarin, and one set of recovery from that surgery.

Also, based in Australia so our recommendations may differ from yours, but here we get aspirin as a recommendation as standard for most mechanical valve replacements, along with many other people.

[–] rowinxavier 6 points 2 months ago

Yep, missing people who hurt you sucks. I have had that experience, it sucked a lot and took years to get through, but now I don't miss them at all. Honestly losing them was a great thing for me in the long run and it was a good opportunity to learn who I was and what I could do. I left at 17, never finished high school, but went on to have a great relationship with my now spouse, we worked together to raise her younger brothers from 12 through to 18, we have a cat who is an asshole that I love dearly, and we have moved more than a thousand kms away from my toxic trash family. I am happy now, you can be happy, this is just a shitty, bumpy start and it will be confusing, but the emotional systems you have will recalibrate and you will not miss them the same way you do now. Honestly I just regret for them that they couldn't see how silly they were being and how much they hurt myself and my siblings.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 2 months ago (4 children)

You may be having a disk seek issue. Are you on a spinning disk? If so, sometimes running something a couple of times will have some cached or at least have the heads in the right spot to read the needed data. If that is the issue upgrading to an SSD would probably solve the issue at the root. A possible test would be using a RAM disk if you can be bothered testing it, you have sufficient RAM that it may be viable depending on the game.

That all said, for next steps I would personally consider if maybe an older version of WINE would work. Could you try installing another older version of both the vanilla and GE versions? Also, did you update your nVidia drivers recently? Maybe roll back if your system will work with that, I can do it easily in EndeavourOS but Mint is not something I am recently acquainted with, it may be a real pain or may tank your driver install to try and roll back. Also testing installing a browser in WINE and loading a video that way may help troubleshoot, or VLC through WINE and native to compare. Ultimately you want to try and find the difference between the failed states and the working states, so if you come back bring a log from a working run and a failed run.

[–] rowinxavier 2 points 2 months ago
[–] rowinxavier 1 points 2 months ago

"Its war, and it ain't easy"

Honestly one of the best games ever.

[–] rowinxavier 20 points 2 months ago

Or it rides along both rails, taking out everybody perfectly. Sick grind dude, such a THPS visual.

[–] rowinxavier 33 points 2 months ago (5 children)

This is the perfect time for the mad ADHD chant.



Bags for garbage!

Garbage bags!

Bags of filth!

Bags of refuse!

Bin protecting garbage bags!"

Repeat until they are in hand, return while counting steps and skipping every second left step.

[–] rowinxavier 1 points 2 months ago

I think piecemeal is a good way to go. Switch from MS Office to LibreOffice, from iOS to android, from Photoshop to Krita, then go to dual booting Linux (probably Mint or similar) with Windows, learn more using both, find what things you reboot to Windows for, find solutions for those using Wine and alternative software, get used to solving problems in Linux land and learn the tools. Once you are comfortable with a mix of both get rid of what you can, use Windows less and less, try CalyxOS or Graphene for your phone if possible, keep making steps. Each step makes progress, and imperfect solutions are a better starting point for finding better solutions.

That said, for the earliest steps a virtual machine is an amazing tool, as is an old laptop. You can learn to solve problems on virtual or real hardware without making your life harder then inch closer to freedom. I've been using Linux since 2006 and honestly it has been a constant learning process. The first year was mostly VM learning, then an accidental install on my external HDD taught me about hubris and data protection. Since then I have kept moving towards more open hardware and software one step at a time. Getting started is the key, nothing teaches as well as trying.

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