
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Omg that photo is fantastic

[–] [email protected] 70 points 2 weeks ago (19 children)

Wow, this is bleak.

I read somewhere (I think the deloitte tech survey from a few years ago) that many people have replaced their pc with smartphones and use their phone as their primary tech device. Would be interesting to see if any of these low-level skill folks are actually high (or higher) on mobile skills.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

I look forward to Apple Marketing coming up with their usual line of nonsense, like a meaningless name for an existing capability that they are claiming to have invented.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Nice! I got it right after the latest version came out but that's been a while. They do sales pretty regularly though. It's definitely not as massive as Adobe wrt features, but they cover the essentials well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Excited to see more updates coming to Cult of the Lamb. I enjoyed the hell out of the main campaign and recent update.

Tried the Anger Foot demo a while back and it was okay. I may grab the full version depending on price. The aethetic is fun and interesting and the kicking mechanic is pretty satisfying.

[–] [email protected] 62 points 2 weeks ago (20 children)

Guys, seriously. The entire Affinity Suite is $150. Paid for updates through the current version. It's solid.

Dump Adobe.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Holy shit what a ride that was.

It's clear from a lot of stories like this (severe customer mistreatment) that United employees are miserable people who hate their jobs but this is nuts. I hope Dr. Dao got a huge settlement from United.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Is there an analog for us android users?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

I don't have much direct experience working in agile since I tend to work on the business side but I can tell you that the term agile is WAY overused. So many projects are described as agile when they are just waterfall with more steps. Leaders love to say they are working in agile because it sounds 'techy' and cool, but I don't think they fully appreciate what it is vs other methods. I wonder if a lot of the failed projects described in the article are some of those agile in name only kind of things.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

The story in Horizon Forbidden West is pretty good too. There's a whole bit in the dlc about Ted Faro that I did not see coming, but it makes me think a lot of the tech bros running things today.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

My thinking is that it reads like the author is dismissing the whole notion that AI has risks and that the folks raising concerns were just repeating an overblown doomsday narrative.

That's what I thought and I expected to see a lot of promoting for the shiny new things and dismissing safety efforts as dampening innovation.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

The title of this article is misleading. It's actually a nice summary in how AI firms have conveniently forgotten their own warnings and predictions of the dangers of AI now that they no longer need to use that messaging in making pitches to investors.


From the article: "Unsurprisingly, this skyrocketed searches for the best VPNs. According to a SlashGear report sent to Mashable, searches for "Texas VPN" jumped by 1,750 percent in the past day. It also spotted a 1,600 percent increase for the phrase "How to access Pornhub.""


I'm looking for a way to play games that are 20+ years old and not produced anymore. I'm thinking like the old maniac mansion games and other Sierra on-line stuff from the early 90s, but I'd love to be able to browse old games and check them out. Happy to play in browser or download if the source is reputable.

Here's a few places I've come across in my search. Would love thoughts or recommendations on these sites or others that are good places to check out.


TLDR The messages were shorthand meteorological readings for multiple locations at specific times. It was a unique form of code used to transmit weather data via telegram back in the 1800s that is the predecessor of the shorthand used today.


TL:DR author's positing that despite the public narrative we (gen x and millenials) are mostly better off (especially financially) than prior generations and at least partly due to actions from boomers.

Thought this was an interesting read. I don't agree with all of the author's points but figured it would generate good discussion here.


This was a pretty interesting video on the progression of world records on NES Tetris and the code that creates the kill screen.


[Mortgage Is 'Just A Fancy Bullsh*t Word For Paying Rent For 30 Years To The Bank,' Says Real Estate Billionaire Grant Cardone — Here's Why Renting Could Be A Better Financial Move



Not sure what is going on, but over the past few weeks I've been having recurring issues with Firefox freezing up requiring restart (of the app).

Seems to happen when I have multiple tabs open but no particular sites that I've noticed. Multiple updates have come through. I'm on windows 11, using privacy badger, unlock origin, one password and the capital one shopping app (disabled most of the time).

I'm working on setting up a shop for selling my art on squarespace so I'm on there a lot. I'll be in the middle of editing something and then it stops responding and I get the pop-up asking me to wait or close the app. Waiting has never worked so I just close and restart. It also can't reopen my tabs when I restart so I have to do that manually.

I've tried reinstalling it. I've cleared out the cache though it's set to do that at closing anyway. Nothing works. This happens randomly, not every time I open the browser.

Does this sound like anything you are experiencing? Any ideas on other things I should try to fix it?


Glory (2022) Acrylic, ink, and paper on canvas.


"Manchin said he first has to explore whether there's an appetite among voters for a moderate candidate like him. "



There's supposedly a variety of different spectroscopy methods but what drives the choice of one method over another? If elements drive the colors, how do you parse out individual elements from a compound?

Is there a consistent pattern to how the emission lines relate to what the element looks like before going through the prism? Is there a resource that shows examples of emission lines along with the visible color?

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