
joined 11 months ago

Curious about y'alls opinions on this. I like the idea of getting new people to experience an older game by aligning it to modern graphics and accessibility standards. But capitalizing on nostalgia with quick updates to that make it look modern rather than making new games seems like just more of studios trying to squeeze money out of us.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

Isn't it interesting that the only thing a CEO ever gets arrested for is a crime that hurts investors?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Got it right after launch. It is fantastic. Puzzles are fun, characters and plot are entertaining, and it's just frickin adorable. It's really short- I'm hoping because the dev team is releasing additional cases later, but right now you just solve one case. I finished it in an evening taking it slowly. I don't regret paying full price, but I definitely want more. Would recommend for sure.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Unclear, but I assumed it was ground. I've not seen Kaldis in ready to drink cans but I'd probably play it safe and pitch any of it if you have some.


cross-posted from:

TLDR: A coffee factory has recalled coffees they produce under many other labels due to botulinum toxins. LOTS of coffee companies are on this list so it's worth a look even if you don't drink Kaldi's. You can toss or return coffee for a refund.

It's a little unclear, but the article makes it sound like the Kaldis classic black and all the others are the same coffee, just repackaged coffee for each brand. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought I was buying local when I bought their stuff. I'm a little disappointed.


TLDR: A coffee factory has recalled coffees they produce under many other labels due to botulinum toxins. LOTS of coffee companies are on this list so it's worth a look even if you don't drink Kaldi's. You can toss or return coffee for a refund.

It's a little unclear, but the article makes it sound like the Kaldis classic black and all the others are the same coffee, just repackaged coffee for each brand. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought I was buying local when I bought their stuff. I'm a little disappointed.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Such a great movie. Haven't watched that in years. Might have to dust that one off this weekend.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago (1 children)

From the article: In 2011 Hillis was asked why he worked on the clock instead of his biotech startup for cancer research. He said: “I think this is the most important thing I can work on. More than cancer. Over the long run, I think this will make more difference to more people.”

Am I the only one that thinks this guy is a bit out of touch?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

This sounds amazing! The combination is brilliant.


Anybody tried Bliss?

Archive link

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Yep. Even if he was concerned he wouldn't want to express that publicly, because his teams would all start jumping ship. Then he'd have an actual delivery problem on his hands and the chance of closure would be much higher.

That said, any studio owned by Microsoft should be worried. They demonstrated that even producing popular, highly-acclaimed games isn't enough for them, so there doesn't seem to be a way to keep them happy.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they charged him a cancelation fee.

[–] [email protected] 60 points 1 week ago

My credit got tanked years ago for a $95 doctor visit bill I was disputing that got sent to collections. Took me years to repair my credit. I spent most of my twenties with credit well below 600 and unable to get even small increases to my credit.

I hope this goes through and others don't have to deal with this kind of crap (or worse) because of the mess that is credit reporting.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It depends. Many vegans see any product that "exploits" animals as nonvegan. That includes things like down feathers, wool and honey.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Omg that photo is fantastic

[–] [email protected] 70 points 1 week ago (19 children)

Wow, this is bleak.

I read somewhere (I think the deloitte tech survey from a few years ago) that many people have replaced their pc with smartphones and use their phone as their primary tech device. Would be interesting to see if any of these low-level skill folks are actually high (or higher) on mobile skills.


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Thought you all might find this interesting. I like this artist, but can imagine seeing oneself portrayed this way could be jarring.


So excited to consolidate my mess of drives and get a big boost to my storage.


If only...


If only...


Curious about everyone's thoughts on this.

Archive link :


If you're considering opening a Chase account, here's some food for thought.


Excited about this one. Lent debuff hit me hard this year.

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