Login credentials don’t even need to be encrypted if you say no fraud before you log in, and cross your fingers
Don't forget to unset the evil bit as well!
Login credentials don’t even need to be encrypted if you say no fraud before you log in, and cross your fingers
Don't forget to unset the evil bit as well!
Oh my god I just realized that it's showing the change in sales/use. Why on earth would you do that!? What point are they trying to make!?
Try 0.1 * 3
for a real surprise
Interesting how these types of people seem to have a set of phrases with their own fixed meanings that don't necessarily correspond to the literal meanings of the words that make them up. "Can't trust the government" in this context really means "can't trust liberals/progressives". You can see that in her response if you watch the video. She's not stumped when the reporter points out the apparent contradiction. She expect everyone to make the same mental substitution, under which there is no contradiction.
Another good example is a 5 minute youtube video about homelessness from a fake university with an orange logo. They cite an example of a bridge between Los Angeles and Culver City that has a major homeless encampment on one side, but not the other, due to different laws in the two cities. To quote directly:
the Los Angeles side is full of tents and the Culver City side is empty. Why? Because the two cities have different public policies. Los Angeles has effectively decriminalized public camping and drug consumption while Culver City enforces the law.
If Los Angeles has no law against homelessness, then what law is it supposedly failing to enforce? This seems like a contradiction, until you realize that "Culver City enforces the law" has nothing to do with actual laws, but with the "law" of the moral framework that the authors are trying to propagandize.
That doesn't sound too strange. Sometimes I want to use "f****t" as an insult, but I don't, because that would be homophobic and I'm not homophobic
Fuck musk, of course, but I really dislike this new pop psych trend of labeling everyone you don't like a "sociopath" (or "narcissist" or whatever). Deliberately or not, it's pushing a narrative that there are these horrible monsters lurking among us who are evil and manipulative just for the sake of being evil and manipulative and distracts us from thinking in terms of systems and incentives. The last thing we need right now is yet another bogeyman to blame for society's woes.
I'm embarassed to admit that before reading your comment I was not aware that encyclopedia britannica was available in hardcopy
is one of those magical make-everything-better incantations that really makes you wonder why the fuck it isn't the default behavior
The status bar example holds for xorg as well... What wm doesn't ship its own bar nowadays? The only one I can think of is bspwm. But nothing stops you from disabling the native bar and using your own
And when you actually go and read the man page, it says some shit like "Some of these options are not fully documented. For an accurate description of their functionality, consult the source code"