
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 41 minutes ago* (last edited 41 minutes ago)

Just curious, was there a recent event that happened that affects more than just you? Just curious, s'all.

So. I have had a decent amount of time to think about this kind of thing and I have just become very aware about what I consider private information. If something is super private, I take the appropriate steps to ensure absolute and super paranoid levels of security.

However, there isn't much that I could be blackmailed for because if there wasn't an absolute expectation of privacy from the start, I just expect most information to be public anyway.

Most "general human things" I still wouldn't care about. Someone has naked pictures of me they want to share? "Uh. Why?" would be my first question. I am not much different and any of the other billions of humans out there, so if you want to see those, knock yourself out. (I just won't go out of my way to make or distribute that stuff.)

You caught me going to a porn site on my free time where I had the expectation of privacy? Sorry, but many people do that and again, I'm just being human, so fuck off.

I think at the end of the day, I have seen (and done) so much stupid shit that it takes a lot to bother me. While my experience probably doesn't help you at this moment, it's fairly important to be aware of your own feelings in cases like this.

In the most kind way possible: If all else fails and you cannot rationalize the current situation, remember that very few people know or even care about you specifically. Sure, you have friends and family! If they are "real" friends, nothing can get in the way of that friendship. Family is family. The rest of the world? Bah. Fuck 'em.

Financial loss is another beast and a pain to deal with. Work with your bank and credit cards companies to resolve what you can, if that is the case.

Regardless, time fixes all so hang in there!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Interesting cover story for the Jewish space lasers that are actually starting the fires. The theory here is logical enough that I might have actually believed it, but birds.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

18 U.S.C. § 242: Makes it a crime to willfully deprive someone of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States

Ok, that is a ton of reading. However, the point of this is to actually define what freedom of speech actually is.

You are free to tell your employer to fuck off and pound sand, but you will get fired. That is a consequence of words. The government won't step in if you weren't threatening anyone. You and your employer have specific rights in that regard.

In the US, you can go on the news and call anyone in the government stupid and they can't do their jobs or that one party is incompetent. You might lose or gain friends from that, which is still a consequence.

Also in the US, if you directly threaten a person with physical harm and if intent of action can be shown, you are going to be arrested. Your words have now become an infringement on the rights of someone else.

I am just clarifying things, s'all.

Having a mouth and being able to speak words is a thing. You are "free to say words" and nobody can legally sew your mouth shut and make you incapable of talking.

When those words become a threat, someone else must now have their rights protected. This is mostly where the limitations on "Freedom of Speech" come from.

I am pulling this conversation back a hair to define what we are talking about as it's easy to mix terms on social media.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Ok. Let's break this down: Your definition and interpretation of free speech is irrelevant. You can interpret anything however you want whenever you want and that is fine. Your arguments may not hold up in court and you cannot force that definition on others because you believe you are enlightened.

As broken as our legal system is, it is all we have for now. As such, you need to understand that the only definition of free speech that matters is the one that has been interpreted by a court of law.

Here ya go:

You can keep babbling on like a SovCit if you want, but you need to understand our legal system and how rights work, especially for minors.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

What we are saying is that you can say anything you want but there should be reasonable limits.

Freedom of speech covers most opinions and ideas except when words present a direct threat to others.

China can and does censor things on a broad scale and as an example, calling the government or dictator stupid would probably get you tossed in jail. That is not freedom of speech.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

It is their fault, but most of the assets listed do not amount to much. There was one that broke a billion, but that was for a gas processing facility and not something you can move easily.

I speculate that most of those assets were written off already and it's mainly just a puff piece of an article.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

Minors have limited rights anyway, but mostly in the voting side of things. An adult is defined as someone who has reached the "age of majority". After that, they are free to make adult decisions and be fully accountable for their actions.

Schools are basically forced to accept responsibility for kids for a number of hours per day. As such, schools must create a safe environment for all students and maintain some kind of order and ensure the rights of other kids aren't infringed.

Me exercising my rights can never infringe on the rights of others. Many people don't understand that.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 22 hours ago (5 children)

Anyone can say anything they want at any time. What people forget is that words may come with consequences.

Schools must have rules for a number of reasons, mainly because they are full of kids. Dress codes for schools apply across all students and must not discriminate. So, if a school has a rule that any words can't be on shirts, no child can have words on their shirt.

Here is a breakdown for you:

What you are talking about has been in the courts a number of times.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I'm in the US, but I suspect mail is fairly the same across North 'Murica. (The government would handle super-remote locations still?)

The only mail I get are either bills or trash. Packages usually don't ship via USPS. I rarely, if ever, send anything.

I wouldn't cry at all if it cost me $5 to send a letter every two or three years.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

This is a complicated topic, actually. If you know all of this stuff, disregard. I can just share my viewpoint from being in security for over 20 years which has slowly morphed from pure engineering work to more of an engineering/business/compliance hybrid skill set.

Context and actual risk matters. An easy exploit is bad and gives an adversary a place to pivot from in the org. However, where can the adversary pivot to after that? What resources are at risk then? ("Risk" is defined as the chance of "something" causing actual financial or reputational damage to an organization.)

Lets say that a customer has a site hosted externally on WP Engine and the admin page is compromised. There may be company contact information loss, possibility of employee password reuse to leverage and of course, one of their public facing pages could be defaced. There is more, but just keeping it simple for now.

Hopefully, WP Engine accounts and data is completely separate from the "meat" of the org: customer information, sensitive data, databases, etc.. If that is true, the easy exploit is still easy, but the actual risk to the org is much lower and from a business perspective, the finding gets bumped down in priority.

What I am saying is that a finding must be presented in full context. Is the finding easy to exploit but low risk or is it hard to exploit but has high risk? Is it easy to exploit and also is high risk?

What Jr. security staff almost always forget is that "risk" is something that is determined by the business, not by the third party pentesters. Part of the job of the security and compliance teams in the org is to take a finding and connect the dots from that finding to other parts of the org. Actual risk and priority can then be assigned.

Of all the security teams I have been part of, I can say that there are a million different ways to determine risk and a million more ways to prioritize a finding.

What is even more difficult to process is that "severity" may just be a summary score of risk and exploit difficulty. It depends on the company and what flavor of security frameworks they use. Severity could also include time to exploit, time to detect and remediate and if and exploit attempt could even be detected.

Good pentest reports will properly define all of its terms first. ie: What does "severity" and "risk" actually mean to the target organization? Security leadership needs to take that report and convert that into data that means something in terms of their budget. It's a sad reality of how businesses operate, unfortunately.

What I always see is that the business side of security is mostly ignored by jr engineers and pentesters. That isn't bad though! Real engineering work is the meat of security and the "business side" of things is a major distraction.

(My pet peeve is getting a pentest report with hypothetical issues where the tester couldn't even show step 1 to prove a vulnerability is even exploitable. I now have a report with a "high severity" call out with no proof attached to it, but still have to sit in meetings with my management telling them the finding is likely bullshit.)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Just call it X-Twitter. It ain't twitter any more, and "X" is just dumb as fuck.


Edit: Deleting this post. It's starting to get controversial, but that's OK. Not what I planned on, but whatevers.


I have been attempting to extract the firmware from an HVAC controller board using my Pickit3 and MPLAB X.

It seems that many HVAC controllers are PIC based and most are kind enough to include debug/flash pins. Grabbing the firmware images should be trivial once the correct pins are traced out. MPLAB X will see my Pickit3 and the target MCU, but it fails to pull an image that isn't all zeros. (The "bin" file is a text file with each line noting the start address, followed by 16 byte values.)

I do get an occasional "Target device ID invalid message" but that is usually due to my janky wiring to the board. Once I get that issue cleared, MPLAB will always warn that the debug bit (byte?) is set on the MCU. (That doesn't make sense as the MCU should be running standalone on the board during normal operation.)

Is there some kind of read protection that may be enabled on the PIC? Do I just need to unsolder the PIC and put it in its own dedicated circuit for pulling the firmware?


The one trick that Big Music doesn't want you to know!

I was absolutely struggling when I went to do a final mix after writing everything in stereo. For me, it was a whack-a-mole game: Fixing one problem created ten more, bass was unmanageable, highs tended to blare or everything was a midrange soup and I constantly struggled with frequency cancellation.

Above all other problems, music was not portable. It would sound great with headphones, but became a blown out mess on external speakers.

Mono. Just write everything in mono. If the track sounds good in mono, even just the slightest bit of stereo separation makes it sound awesome!

As a perk, it forced me to learn more about compression and limiting and when it is applicable. If something is inaudible in mono, it's going to sound like absolute garbage in stereo. (It also forced me into EQ'ing nearly every component of a song at first. I am not nearly as aggressive with that now, but again, it opened up new doors that I didn't realize existed.)

Why, oh why, is this technique not pushed more to hobbyists and beginners? Is there a shortcoming that I am not aware of?

Obviously, this isn't a cure-all and I kinda framed this post as a magic trick. Its one hell of a teaching tool, if nothing else.




(Wait, what? This is from 2022??? I have known about CAL for a while, but this glass stuff is new to me.)

3DPN video:

CAL: computed axial lithography

Researchers at UC Berkeley have developed a new way to 3D-print glass microstructures that is faster and produces objects with higher optical quality, design flexibility and strength, according to a new study published in the April 15 issue of Science.


I am fed up with resin slicers.

Chitubox is about as stable as a drunk on a tightrope, Lychee is bad for engineering models and over-priced if you just want some basic support functions and PrusaSlicer is under-developed. All of these solutions work for different things based on the goals of the user. (For some, Lychee is an excellent value so my distaste is likely not universal.)

What really pissed me off is that support painting shouldn't be a paid feature. You hold the mouse button down and drop a support at specific distance from the last. It doesn't take massive cloud computational clusters or huge storage requirements but yet, money. Fuck. That.

I want a completely FOSS tool that is stable and includes functionality for auto-positioning models and has a full set of knobs and levers for support generation, support painting included.

So, I spent the morning getting a dev environment setup for PrusaSlicer to use as a base for resin-only tools. Over the next month or so, I'll take some time to strip out all the FDM support and get the slicer into a bare-bones state with only the existing resin features. Of course, it'll be on GitHub.

Back to the main subject. I was hoping that y'all had references in regards to anything resin printing: Support placement methods, model rotation optimization, resin strength data, FEP peel force data or anything that could be coded and implemented into a slicer. Hell, even discovering different methods for hollowing an STL would be nice.

Data and strategies for various tools would be nice to have at this point to at least start forming a roadmap for development. (One of the first goals is to integrate UVTools as a snap-in, somehow.)

FDM tools are plentiful because of wide spread adoption. Resin printers still seem niche so printer manufacturers naturally gravitate to writing their own tools for their own hardware in their race to the bottom.

With all of that said, I am actually curious if others would even want to see a project like this kicked off.


I have been using FL Studio for years. It was easy to pirate when I was younger and broke, and it's still flexible enough for anything I want to do now without hassle. (The license these days is "meh" for clips and plugins. However, I am designing and beginning to record most of my own instruments now with a core set of plugins.)

I would like to experiment with an open source DAW, but not sure which routes to take there.


Spinner shows while thumbnail is being shown after upload and thumbnail is being generated, but not when actually uploading. (I am attempting to attach gif to this post, but not sure if upload has failed, still going or just not possible.)

I am mobile while I am creating this post, so uploads are laggy anyway.


Search is fine, but there have been several cases where I have wanted to manually enter a community name and instance.

Search can be odd at times and being able to have connect at least attempt to jump to a community would be a nice to have.


Edit: I can now post and view cat pics. Yay!

Searching for "cat" or "cats" yields [email protected] with Connect, but not from web. "cat" is an invalid community.

[email protected] should be correct community and listed in search results.


I mean, I still do some stupid and brainless things but I can own that stuff without fear.

The absolute worst is only being able to half-remember most of the stupid shit I did. That stuff still kinda haunts me, but in some ways, that is a necessary evil of sobriety.

This was just a random thought that I needed to write. Maybe it gives someone else something to hope for. Maybe it reminds others of why we choose not to drink. Regardless: IWNDWYT

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