
joined 11 months ago
[–] reinei 2 points 1 day ago

Weil mir Pinguin aus Kratzer etwas zu kompliziert war. Vor allem wenn man dann nicht den Tierischen Notenzusammensteller nutzen wollte sondern lieber den Noten (Oder Buchstaben?) -verlängerer mit dazugehöriger Bibliotheksnote in Erwägung gezogen hätte.

[–] reinei 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Gibt es eventuell auch eine ähnliche/äquivalente Story auf einer Nachrichtenseite ohne Pur Abo? Oder sogar eine zugrundeliegende Publikation?

Ich möchte ungerne meine Daten verkaufen um herauszufinden um welche Sprache und ort der Auffindung es sich handelt.

[–] reinei 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Tap for spoilerI absolutely agree 😭 But didn't the post credits scene after the last episode suggest at least some hope for all of them? (Or am I seriously misremembering this because my brain tried really hard not to think it was over?)

[–] reinei 2 points 1 week ago

Well seeing as any and all cells in our body are powered by something you could very reasonably call an electron/charge turbine I think it's fair to say turbines are really frickin great though!

[–] reinei 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Well the thing is: it's even worse! We HAVE measured 'the' neutrino mass, sort of (not really). We have an absolutely fricking tiny upper bound! For all three masses added together... And yes, there are three separate neutrino masses just like there are sorta three 'types' of Neutrinos. But the real kicker is: it is literally impossible to assign any specific mass to any specific type!!

You can either talk about the type of a neutrino OR it's mass but not both at the same time because apparently we looked too close and quantum mechanics decided it needed to fuck with us some more to discourage further probing.

[–] reinei 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wasn't it a dice roll that decided that? 🤔

[–] reinei 10 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

But/and also also, just because you might know what a multiplication is you still might not know how to use that to make audio louder! (You might say "well just add to the loudness!" or if you actually know it's not that easy you might say "just multiply it by 2!", but the computer doesn't simply take "audio" it takes some form of bytes in an array encoding said audio, let's say PCM to make it easier, and you still need to know how to loop over that and multiply every value by 2 to double the physical volume.)

[–] reinei 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This particular version wouldn't work because the exit point is not lower than the entry point so after a possible initial splash from the first glass the outside air would rush in from the top of the straw and thus push down the water to its own level again...

So sadly no singly linked lists without stairs!

[–] reinei 5 points 1 month ago

Uhh jaa... Und jetzt verrate mir die Geheimnisse um Berechnungen bereits bei der Übersetzung im Typensystem auszuführen!

[–] reinei 4 points 1 month ago

It's fascinating to me that nobody has yet responded to one of these with:

Luigi, once again delivering us from ghosts and ghouls living in mansions!

[–] reinei 2 points 1 month ago

Also könnte es auch noch sein, dass du gar nicht umziehst, bereits umgezogen bist oder es sich um bis zu 40 Minuten verspätet? 🤔

Oder meintest du "normalere" Eisenbahner (also DB ausgenommen 🙊)

[–] reinei 8 points 1 month ago

Wait GregTech has its own iron ores in real life now as well‽

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