
joined 2 years ago
[–] redhorsejacket 3 points 2 days ago

Not too terribly long ago, Shout! announced that they acquired the distribution rights to Woo's HK output, and I'm very excited at the prospect of a cleaned up Blu-Ray release with a new localization.


Turn on YouTube captions for English subtitles.

Directed by John Woo, starring Chow Yun-Fat and Tony Leung. A must-watch action masterpiece. Thumbnail art by Tony Stella. Sourced from the Hong Kong Rescue ...

[–] redhorsejacket 2 points 3 days ago

Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and slap a guarantee on it, I'll do it, I've got spare time, but, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, if you want to make a quality game, you'll buy from me.

[–] redhorsejacket 4 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Are you actually proposing incorporating elements of the BR genre (choosing drop locations, looting, encroaching zone time limit, limited respawning, etc) or do you just want bigger arenas and more players in your regular Twisted Metal death match? Cause I don't actually think Twisted Metal is as suited for the BR genre as you say, but I could be convinced otherwise if you have a take.

[–] redhorsejacket 1 points 3 days ago

Brimstone and Treacle has my attention. An early 80s British Gothic movie about a conman worming his way into a family's good grades and the con man is Sting? Sounds interesting if not thing else.

[–] redhorsejacket 5 points 5 days ago

This feels like a response to a question I don't know enough to ask. What's the context?

[–] redhorsejacket 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Titus Andronicus?

[–] redhorsejacket 1 points 6 days ago

You're doing yourself a disservice if Blood 2 is the only Monolith game youve played. No One Lives Forever, AVP2, and FEAR are all really well done pre-CoD4 shooters.

[–] redhorsejacket -1 points 1 week ago

Agreed. Not everyone who says the sequel trilogy is bad is an angry little pissbaby, but so many are, and I can't help but think implicit (or, depending on the take, explicit) misogyny plays a role in encouraging that style of "discourse". Like, OPs post is a whisper away from blaming DEI for handing their beloved franchise off to a clueless woman who didn't give the fans the fawning worship that they are owed.

Also, if it worked, her hands off approach to corporate oversight of auteur creatives would be something we'd all be singing her praises for. Of course, it didn't, but I'm not going to sit here and say, hmm yes, I want Disney corporate offices to have MORE control over their creatives, that will fix the lukewarm slop that the franchise is delivering!

[–] redhorsejacket 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

She's 71 and has been producing films since ET. I'm pretty sure she's not pulling a Palpatine here.

[–] redhorsejacket 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

He wasn't necessarily wrong, he was just an asshole. The context for the meme was a speech he gave in vehement opposition to a proposed bill amendment which would have codified net neutrality principles into law. The concept he was blundering through explaining was basically just an eli5 version of limited bandwidth. I send this message (or, in his parlance, this internet) from my phone to Lemmy. It travels through a series of tubes to get there. If the tubes are clogged with traffic, my message might have to get in line. And that's not fair to people who have the money to not be treated like a poor.

Fun fact, Senator Stevens was the longest serving senator to lose a bid for reelection, largely due the fact that he was embroiled in a big corruption scandal at the time. The conviction ended up being vacated due to prosecutorial misconduct though, and I didn't care to dive any deeper, but I'm inclined to believe he was a grifter. Rest in piss.

[–] redhorsejacket 7 points 1 week ago

This isn't a direct answer to your question per se, but if this a topic that interests you, I can't recommend The Right Stuff enough. I've not seen the film from the 80s, though by all accounts it's pretty good, but the book is an excellent overview of the early days of space exploration, when the exact sort of questions that you ask here were being bandied about by the fledgling, pre-Apollo program NASA.

The focus of the book is on the first wave of astronauts who, as someone else mentioned, were pulled primarily from combat aviation backgrounds. I recall several passages which detailed their reactions to the sorts of psychological testing that they were undergoing, usually complete with humorous anecdotes.

[–] redhorsejacket 27 points 1 week ago (6 children)

If it makes you feel any better, you can rest assured that Capitol Hill doesn't know how the Internet works either.


Hello c/Warframe!

First of all, I want to make a big shout out to @[email protected] , whose effort in writing the Weekly Warframe Revisited posts here are what got me back into the game recently.

I just crossed something like 120 hours played (across many different attempts to "get into" the game over the last 10 years), which I know is peanuts compared to many folks, but it's a significant personal milestone. It's very rare that any game holds my attention for that amount of time, though full disclosure compels me to state that, prior to this latest interaction with the game, I'd wager I didn't make it more than 10 hours in any of my previous attempts.

So, thanks to Keegen and their work here. I'll speak for all of my fellow lurkers (what are they gonna do, post something to correct me? I think it unlikely lol) by saying we appreciate the effort you've put into preventing this community from stagnating.

In an effort to contribute, do any of you have any moments you'd like to share where Warframe made you do your best Exasperated Picard?

I'll go first. Important to note 100+ playtime hours. I JUST discovered this week that the handful of mods I have in my inventory which affect multiple damage stats are rewards for Nightmare Missions. I've felt like my main frame's power level had plateaued for some time, and routinely struggle to take on enemies in the 40-50 range on longer endless missions. Cue me learning that I'd been (intentionally) ignoring the mode which grants the exact sort of reward that breaks a build through to that tier of content, and cue my Picard impression.


Posting for posterity's sake. Not thrilled with the track, but I'll sit with it for while and see if I come around. Anyone got takes?


Cross posting for lack of a better term from [email protected] for visibility.

I hope that this doesn't result in accelerated enshittification. I've been upgrading my home theater set up over time and I was finally ready to start building my collection of titles. Criterion factored heavily into my shopping list.


I hope this is allowed. Seems like a lot of books / content for a steal of a price.


I haven't checked in on this game since around launch. Anyone want to bring me up to speed on what's happening? I gather the latest expansion pack is priced differently than prior DLC?

Also, that line about discussion being a privilege seems icky.

Steam Strategy Sale (self.strategygames)

Anyone pick up anything good during the sale over the weekend?

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