"Keep your stick on the ice fellas, and remember, I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this together!"
Just came from another thread detailing them walking back the skin=class change. Glad to that's being fixed, as that's definitely the most egregious issue, but I'm very disappointed to hear the gunplay is less impactful. That was KF2's biggest strength imo, esp as a Commando main when I played it frequently. Popping domes in slo Mo was art.
It sounds like they had moved to a more restrictive system. It's been a long time since I played KF2, so my memory could be suspect, but I recall your "character" being not much more impactful than a weapon skin.
The meat and potatoes was actually what class you picked, which perks you selected from that class (you got a new choice every 5 levels or so), and then what weapons you rolled with. This will be hypothetical because I don't actually know the particulars, but I think it's generally illustrative of KF2's progression design:
Load in, select Demolitionist class, get a +1%/level damage bonus with explosives and incendiaries as my class trait. Hit level 5. Choose between doubling the AOE of my Molotov cocktails or being able to carry two extra frag grenade. And so on. Any "character" could be any class, and could freely tailor perk choices to their liking.
Don Bacon represents one of the most purple districts in the US, according to polls. He is continuing the proud Nebraska tradition, spearheaded by Ben Sasse, of making occasional headlines separating himself from the MAGA movement to appeal to "centrist" voters, while also doing nothing of consequence with his votes or committee placements to actually hinder the agenda he is "calling out" here.
Also, personally, interacting with Don is like sticking your hands in old dish water and rooting around for bit. But that's neither here nor there.
Not too terribly long ago, Shout! announced that they acquired the distribution rights to Woo's HK output, and I'm very excited at the prospect of a cleaned up Blu-Ray release with a new localization.
Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and slap a guarantee on it, I'll do it, I've got spare time, but, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, if you want to make a quality game, you'll buy from me.
Are you actually proposing incorporating elements of the BR genre (choosing drop locations, looting, encroaching zone time limit, limited respawning, etc) or do you just want bigger arenas and more players in your regular Twisted Metal death match? Cause I don't actually think Twisted Metal is as suited for the BR genre as you say, but I could be convinced otherwise if you have a take.
Brimstone and Treacle has my attention. An early 80s British Gothic movie about a conman worming his way into a family's good grades and the con man is Sting? Sounds interesting if not thing else.
This feels like a response to a question I don't know enough to ask. What's the context?
Titus Andronicus?
You're doing yourself a disservice if Blood 2 is the only Monolith game youve played. No One Lives Forever, AVP2, and FEAR are all really well done pre-CoD4 shooters.
Oof, I'm glad you saw humor in the latter day Moore installments, but I avoid that era of Bond because my interpretation was that noone was in on the joke. If there was any sort of realization that Moore was too old for the role behind the scenes, they didn't let on with the choices they were making in front of the camera (and I think it's pretty well acknowledged that Moore, at least, felt like he had aged out of the character towards the end of his run). Idk if a bigger wink would have helped necessarily (that era of Bond already strays dangerously close to self-parody), but no-selling it didn't work for me either.