The Daily Check-in for 26 February 2025 - just for today, we are not drinking!
This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.
We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.
Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
Day 5 today -- got a social event this evening at my fave pub (across the street from my flat). Gonna be tricky, but we'll get there! IWNDWYT!
Hopefully everybody has a good Wednesday - we're halfway through the week, and heading towards the weekend quickly! What's on people's agendas for the end of the week? 👀
gz on a business week. first week sucks, good luck with your event, have an escape plan! someone you can call. I've been in my favourite pub 3 weeks sober friday night happy hour, atmosphere popping off. I was there for work but it was deadly I got in and out quicksmart. didn't relapse, but didn't last. im not saying avoid events or alcohol entirely but stay safe and call someone. do u have WhatsApp?
Yeah it's been weird this year! The past three years I've done the first four months sober but this year I just can't get off the ground for some reason 😅 well done on not relapsing last time you were in that pub!