If this is a one-time event, I would ignore & move on. If I ever see more than three posts in a row by a user, I block that user. It doesn't have to be permanent.
They're just pulling it up here, the pumping-into-the-air part happens somewhere else, right?
I dunno man... You forget about GT? /s
No, of course TeamFourStar doesn't care about how they could be "damaging" to the original experience of watching the show. I think you and your friend are allowed to enjoy whatever you choose, right? You're upset your friend is experiencing DBZ incorrectly. It feels wrong? I think I understand, but please correct me if I'm going off course.
It is easier to relate to one another with small jokes and low-investment memes. Comedy is a helpful distraction in a terrible world, even if the comedy is shallow.
Being able to open up and have a knowledgable discussion about a topic is one of the deepest and least attainable social pleasures. If you want to be able to discuss DBZ with this person you have to adapt to their growing body of knowledge on the subject.
Also, you have a unique perspective to share with your friend, once you can overcome the obstacles. Seriously, why does TeamFourStar, who allegedly loved DBZ, represent Piccolo as the only serious character? I bet it could be because they could only use the original drawings, and they have to write scripts around the fact that Piccolo does not smile often.
Ever read Miller's Death of a Salesman? well it's almost like that, but without any insurance.
hey friend, we are kinda coming across as too abrasive and too uncompromising here. Which can be good traits, don't get me wrong.
The engine teardown videos are readily available to you, and your local library is a great place to learn. It is not that person's responsibility to show you how to teach yourself. The use of the term "tribal knowledge" here is out of place and is loaded with implications about race/class. That knowledge is available to you, if you express the initiative to get it.
I think I once found a college lecture on youtube about software development, would you like me to share a link for you? I'm all for literacy, but let's try to think about other ways to communicate when our correspondents are showing agitation through words like "hell" and "shit"
Please let me know if you would like me to explain anything further. Social interactions confuse me often.
"Be the change you want to see happen instead of trying to change everyone else." - Arleen Lorrance
This comic is charming and original. Thamk you for sharing.
man was so real the gubmint had to unreal him, for safety
Get me on the housing ladder, great, but how does that help if I have no idea what healthy love looks like? If I don’t trust anyone will stay? Better to pretend that Gen Z just need new policies, to get on government schemes, to tax the rich, than accept that what many young people need, more than anything, is an apology.
She really had me until this paragraph.
it was the only one I was qualified for
Ah jeez no I'm sorry, I was being much too severe and I had oversimplified it. Normalcy is great for all kinds of things like roads and statistics. Some of my best friends are normal!
I had a chemistry professor who used our class time to teach us about how the greenhouse effect is a lie made up by Al Gore to sell more Carbon Credits. And he, a god-fearing, former Exxon-Mobil career petroleum chemist, who was Chair of the university Chemistry Department, decided to avail we Gen Chem students of this terrible liberal misinformation. I lost a lot of respect that day. I hate you, "professor" Earl F. Pearson. Line your pockets in hell.