The ball rolls for a bit then stops
- Colorless ball
- Didn't image a gender, just the concept of a person
- They didn't look like anything
- I guess a perfect colorless sphere roughly the size of a tennis ball
- Pretty much just a rectangular flat surface. There's no color or material
I didn't know much about it except the size of the ball being roughly proportional to the size of a human hand
What ingredients were used to make the tomato soup? It looks good
It's only natural to say it
It's the HK G11 and FN P90. Both guns have a magazine where the cartridges aren't in line with the chamber so each cartridge needs to be rotated before it can chambered. HK decided to commune with ancient clockwork gods to learn the secrets of kraut space magic while FN just went with a curved ramp.
Thanks! I've spent 3 weeks trying to solve this problem lol
I use organic maps for biking and walking and it's a lifesaver. It actually takes me along bike paths rather than massive high speed stroads and even gives an elevation graph for the path it gives.