Oof... 17 years ago.
Sweet, thank you! Railroad terrain is a great idea!
Incredible work!
Here's a kind of banner-y shot of my DnD group's first attempt at mini painting. They painted some goblins for an all goblin one shot we're running soon.
It's nothing fancy, but I'm super proud of them and it's the right shape.
Thanks! It's an artisan guild mini printed on an anycubic photon D2 in anycubic's craftsman DLP grey resin.
These guys are GREAT! And I love the paint jobs, they look fantastic!
I'm definitely going to print some of these for DnD campaigns!
Do you have any links to your 15mm frostgrave? I've been considering trying frostgrave, and 15mm seems like it could be a blast to play on the coffee table.
I'm torn on this one. Not a fan of Tony D as a person, but he kept his nose clean while he was here, and can definitely be an asset to the team. But we are absolutely STACKED on defense, not sure we really needed him even if we trade away Pesce.
Yes, but my resin printer has serious build volume envy.
My wife and I are cosplayers also and the d2 is basically useless for it.
That's why you need both! At least that's what I told her when I preordered a prusa XL.
I've been playing 40k since '98, and have gotten dozens of people into the hobby, there are three things I recommend people take into account when picking their first army, in order of importance.
#1: What the minis look like. A huge portion of the hobby for most people is building and painting, so you really want to go with minis you like the look of. You seem to have narrowed your choices down on this.
#2: Lore. The game changes every few years, but lore is pretty consistent for the most part, read up about your favorite armies and pick the one that speaks to you the most. You may love the look of one army, but if the lore doesn't speak to you that could cause you to lose interest.
#3: Play style: To me this is the least important factor to choosing a first army for a couple of reasons. You don't really know what play style you enjoy, you may think you like static gunlines, but actually enjoy zipping around more. Most armies actually have units that can fit multiple play styles, and your first army will likely be in the 500-1000 point range, which means a couple troop options, an hq, and a special unit or two, and once you play a few games, you can decide to focus on more heavy support, or fast attack, or elite units as you get the feel for what you like, beyond that, the meta changes, one edition may be more heavy weapons focused, one may be more troop focused, a few years back mechanized was very powerful, the foot slogging infantry was the way to go. If you pick an army based on aesthetics and lore, you can (and likely will) expand that army over the years to be able to field a force that has a number of play styles.
The one thing I recommend every new player avoid is meta chasing. Don't pick an army because it's powerful or wins tournaments, because in 3-6 months that will have changed, and you may be left with an army that doesn't interest you.
Remember lemmy is in it's infancy still compared to reddit. I imagine as lemmy grows certain communities will end up being the more populated ones, and they will kind of become the default. The downside is that that will take time, the upside is there is always an alternative if something goes wrong.
I love it. Apparently Jennifer Garner is coming back as Elektra as well.
Pretty excited about this.