Lonk neck looking gooof. Does he like tree stars?
Even Guy on a buffalo is being affected by shrinkflation, it seems.
Don't give them ideas
I have a dog named bouly. He looks like a bear, so his name became bouly bear, then an auto correct on my phone happened and it became bouly bean. Now he's Bean.
Thank you, that is the funnest fact I've had all week
I started out as a fish, how did it end up like this?
That sounds like a fun night
Quick , tell me a fun fact
Volumetric measurements aren't really good for drugs, the density of the drug may vary depending on quality, origin or manufacturer, in the case of crack and meth. Weight is always better, but then you measure with half, quarter, eighth and sixteenths of ounces. See, we do have to use fractions after all.
Fun fact, in America, a ton is 2000 pounds, which is slightly less than a metric ton. In America if you order a ton of bricks, you'd get less bricks than you would if you ordered it in France.
That sounds like an actual battle, then.