That's great news tbh. I've tried going back to the game multiple times over the years, but since you can't reset your progess/start a new save, I get overwhelmed by everything and give up.
"LLM did something silly" must be the most boring type of concern bait out there.
Cloud Atlas - very bad. Cute overall plot, but script is absolute nonsense. Feels like it was written by a very motivated 15 year old.
Harakiri - fucking great. Brilliant photography, plot, script, acting.
My own custom layout that tries to find a compromise between not fucking too much with the left side keys because of hotkeys, typing en and my mother tongue, and programming.
Also use 28 keys split keyboard, so some macros for some keys.
Taking the call in underwear after 12 years of no contact is extremely weird. I've learned to keep people like that, men and women, at arms length. They usually bask in the energy of all the people falling in love/being horny with them. Love yourself.
Cataclysm DDA
I upvoted before the image loaded.
No idea how to read the meter thing, but cool as heck nevertheless.
This is incredible. And without a photo as well, crazy.
Does anyone know why most image posts from that server don't show up in