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[–] pixxelkick 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

Sure but my point is, if it was the scenario you described, then Elon would be talking about the right kind of denormalization problem.

Denormalization due to multiple different tables storing their own copies of the same data, in different formats worse yet, would actually be the kind of problem he's tweeting about.

As opposed to a composite key on one table which means him being an ultracrepidarian, as usual.

[–] pixxelkick 4 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Okay but if that happens, musk is right that that's a bit of a denormalization issue that mayne needs resolving.

SSNs should be stored as strings without any hyphen or additional markup, nothing else.

  • Storing as a number can cause issues if you ever wanna support trailing zeros
  • any "styling" like hyphens should be handled by a consuming front end system, you want only the important data in the DB to maximize query times

It's more likely though it's just a composite key...

[–] pixxelkick 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

why are you such a party pooper?

  • There was a total of 49,105 apparent opioid toxicity deaths reported between January 2016 and June 2024

  • Of all accidental apparent opioid toxicity deaths so far in 2024 (January to June), 79% involved fentanyl

This shit is super hyper fucking lethal, and the people who move it around and push it need to be locked up

However, I've spent the last couple hours looking info up on this and it seems there us a growing trend of people, as crazy as it sounds, shooting up and smoking pure fentanyl.

And due to its much shorter duration, people build a tolerance way faster and, indeed, there's reports of people doing entire doses of dozens of mg in a single hit

Which is absolutely mind boggling to me tbh.

But yeah I guess there really are people walking around with that much in their pocket.

The thing that's tough is, how do you seperate between 1 person who has 40mg, lacing it in 40 pills to sell at a club (which could potentially kill people), vs 1 person who has 120mg which will only last them literally the day by themself.

Legally that is, in terms of possession charges.

[–] pixxelkick 34 points 2 weeks ago (13 children)

Why the hell would Russia even do that?

What's the actual reasoning behind that? Doesn't this fuck them over too?

[–] pixxelkick 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Also important to note:

Canadians have some of the best trained military in the world.

The US sends their own high profile units to Canada to get trained, especially when it comes to snipers.

Last I recall, most world records for sniping are held by Canadians, or people trained by Canadians.

Canada has long held a standard of quality over quantity, quite often the US sends their best to be trained here.

Add on the well known fact that Canadians are very well known for constantly coming up with some of the most fucked uo ways to commit war crimes when pushed too far (WW1 anyone?) And it becomes apparent why no one fucks with Canada

Everyone is always trying to be on our good side for a reason. US has numbers, and that's pretty much it.

They would never win any kind of war against us.

How well equipped is the average US soldier to handle our climate and terrain?

[–] pixxelkick 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Read what I've written.

I strongly doubt normal users and addicts are carrying more than 6mg on hand at any time.

40mg is an enture fuckin house party's worth of fent usually, because nearly always it's laced with other drugs.

So each dose is about 1mg or so

2mg is a lethal dose for most users... 40mg is enough to kill 20 people >_>;

[–] pixxelkick 1 points 2 weeks ago

That sounds insane, I'm having trouble believing someone is using 125x the lethal dose of fent a day, that sounds inhuman.

[–] pixxelkick 3 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Jailing people who lace drugs with fentanyl is reasonable, and people that aid in the distribution of laced drugs with it.

I dont think people who take the drugs deserve punishment, but the people pushing the drugs do.

The odds of someone having a whole fuckin 40mg of fentanyl on hand and not be involved in the drug pushing is very low, people dont realize that you dont move it around like that.

A person would be in possession of like an entire fuckin pack of pills to have that much, because there's like maybe tops 1mg per pill.

[–] pixxelkick 1 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

according to the article that’s less than half a baby aspirin

It's also the equivalent of 20 to 40 entire doses

One dose of fentanyl laced in other drugs is usually less than a single grain of sand

So 40mg is a fuck tonne of fentanyl to have on hand.

Usually users don't carry pure fentanyl around, it's already been laced into other drugs, so they maybe have a couple mg total on hand even for multiple peoples worth.

40mg is like an entire box of laced pills.

[–] pixxelkick 13 points 2 weeks ago (12 children)

I think if the policy specifically targets people pushing and selling fentanyl, I agree those people do deserve to be in prison.

The vast majority of people using it don't even know they are using it, it's been laced into drugs they buy

I agree that the "drug kingpins" do deserve to be locked up.

Problem though: a lot of them are tightly interwoven with the pharmaceutical corporations, so you're kinda calling for checks notes pharma ceos to get jail time, Pierre.

And I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that's not what you meant.

[–] pixxelkick 1 points 2 weeks ago

Eyup, it's intuitive overall but there's just weirdly some people out there that are all or nothing, and don't understand "right tool for the job" lol

[–] pixxelkick 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Like I said, in the scale compared to actual high frequency data though, that's still be infrequent.

High frequency DBs are on the scale of many queried per second

Even with tonnes of data scientists and engineers querying the data, that's still in the scale of queries per minute, which is low frequency in the data world.

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