I even use powershell as my main scripting language on my Mac now. I’ve come around.
I have seen the same brand of cheese at Walmart in a slightly smaller knot I think. It is such a great melting cheese.
Mmmm…..and that giant Oaxaca Cheese Knot they sell. And 3 pound blocks of tillamook cheddar. God I do love cheese.
I put a pan in my oven on self-cleaning cycle. The weight of the pan and the heat made the rack the pan was on droop permanently.
Edit: I’ve lost the thread a little as this started about laptops not mobile phones. I’m leaving this comment here as the points may be valid even for laptops, but I’m too bored to do any more research. Thanks for the great and civil discussion.
I would agree that a theoretically completely upgradeable and repairable device is better, but I think the real world implementations generally aren’t that good.
It’s hard to get to statista’s summary of lifespan of phones without a subscription, but many summaries that use their data say something like:
In general, the average lifespan of a smartphone is 2 to 4 years. According to reports, the iPhone lasts 4-10 years, followed by Samsung units, which can last 3-6 years. Huawei and Xiaomi units have an average lifespan of 2-4 years, while OPPO units have 2-3 years.
Perhaps there is better data out there that would change my mind, but I haven’t seen it. If Apple products are iWaste, then it appears nearly all other products are even more wasteful. All the data I have seen points to Apple products as generally having a long lifespan followed by an excellent free recycling policy (https://www.apple.com/me/recycling/).
If you are saying the “iWaste” comment is about repairability not reliability, I get that. My take is maybe that if something has a long lifespan despite not being repairable, it might be have a longer life before becoming waste or recyclables.
I do like that the EU is mandating user replaceable batteries and other changes and support most right-to-repair legislation.
My wife and I both had the G2. I loved it so much! I feel like the foldable phones coming out may someday give me the same feeling.
I suspect, but don’t know, that Impossible Burger tastes better than low-end hamburger at this point. I remember a lot of “off” tasting burger during an impoverished childhood.
I had a non-vegetarian friend try one and she hated it. She doesn’t like hamburger and said it tasted very much like hamburger.
I tried to find a good study of laptop lifespan by brand. The best thing I could find was a consumer reports survey from 2023.
They rated Apple as the #1 laptop for reliability. I don’t think that is “iWaste.”
This lines up with what I’ve seen, but even as a career IT person my personal sample size ain’t that great.
I dislike that current Apple products aren’t very repairable, but appreciate that they are very recyclable and durable.
So agree that sliced mushrooms should be sautéed till golden brown in a lake of butter with salt and pepper. Now I want mushrooms!
After 20 years of vegetarianism I so enjoy impossible burger patties and impossible sausage. Biscuits and gravy. Meatloaf. I LOVE mushrooms but I am so happy with this new generation of fake meat.
I’m so used to using powershell to handle collections and pipelines that I find I want it for small scripts on Mac. For instance, I was using ffmpeg to alter a collection of files on my Mac recently. I found it super simple to use Powershell to handle the logic. I could have used other tools, but I didn’t find anything about it terrible.