Piracy is always the answer
I member
Gotta admit this happens to me when playing yuzu on my deck, never been a Nintendo guy though
Witcher 3, is was so bored for the first 30 mins I turned it off. Came back a year later, now got around 300 hours in the game.
lol that’s not my ip, you’re like 6 numbers off
Sounds like a skill issue bro, git gud
Seriously tho, can see the issue here, I think it’s happened to me in the past
Doesn’t matter at all to me, I know X means A and A means X
Played both consoles for years it’s all muscle memory now
VM’s are always an option
I’d rather use a usenet board
Skill issue*
I did this for a bit, but then put emudeck on my PC (which has a lot more storage) and now I stream pretty much everything from my PC to my TV or deck
Thousands of roms and a few hundred games pretty much whenever I want. My 10 year old self would never believe this
I got RDR2 to play on my deck, already played it a few years ago on PS5 but I’ve been wanting to play it again.