This is due to the way Reddit handles video. The video and the audio are two separate files that are combined by Reddit embedded media player. There are tools to combine them however I usually just go to the source to get the original instead or trying to pull it from Reddit.
Like Kevin Spacey?
I know, I was just messing around. It's by Sheridan Clarke.
Oh definitely, also poor sense of humor too.
In 2020 during the summer I was feeling pretty depressed due to obviously Covid but also my father dying and a lot of riots were happening nearby. I was generally not in a good place and wanted a change to get out of the rut I was in.
I decided to move into an apartment exactly like this but near the beach. When I say near I mean I could see the ocean from my window. It was exactly this size and configuration. It cost $900 a month back then.
The problem wasn’t as much the size as the people you live with. It attracts either young adults who want to party or older people with big life problems, like addiction, divorce, mental health issues.
The place I lived was an old wooden building so it was very easy to hear my neighbors. I didn’t sleep well the entire time I lived there…
The communal bathroom was constantly dirty despite having a service come in daily and they had laundry room that was constantly backing up and malfunctioning.
The same place today goes for nearly $2k. I lasted two months before moving into a slightly larger place with a private bath, a left after my lease was up a year later.
Living at the beach was great, but I’ll never live in a place like this again.
I am pretty confident you’re right about the origin. Ergodox wanted to add an additional macro key and needed a name for a less hyper Hyper key. Since then a couple other keyboard manufacturers adopted it. Much like its name, its history is also “meh”
I haven't seen many references to Reason, and previous to this story I had not heard of them before. Most of the stories I am seeing are sourcing the mother. She seems to be doing a lot of interviews.
I never made claims regarding knowing the full story. Not sure anyone can know the full story until the other parties start talking. I was only responding to the claim that the story should be dismissed because of the source, and claims of what the sources motivations are.
I am supportive of reserving judgement for when more information comes out. I am just not supportive of jumping to the conclusion that because the linked article is from a questionable or biased source that it is automatically dismissed as fabrication and/or propaganda. Especially when there is so many organization who seem to be in defense of the mother.
It’s for people who think the only thing holding them back from writing the next great novel is their TikTok addiction.
Most of these devices have the same fate as that new year resolution treadmill.
However the idea of running Linux on this form factor is interesting.