Interesting. VAC is one of many problems I hope will be in upcoming headsets. Meta was working on this about 4 years ago and is in the prototype stage for both high res and varifocal accommodations. It would be interesting to compare the patents and the differing approaches to the problem.
In thought Brave was sold and is considered primary spyware now?
I present you’re on the StuartGTs sun rather than the E_D version on Reddit. The underscore version is much less complimentary (but is also fully supportive of murderhobos and seal clubbing).
I recently got the odyssey update, doing a play through on a nearly fresh cmdr. I’m not much of FPS player, but I was appalled at the poor mechanics. I really bought it to try Exobiology but, really, I don’t have the patience for a 10 minute mini-game to get a single roll on the RNG/slot machine.
I’ve not tried the latest thargoid expansion. As a new cmdr, I’m hundreds of play hours from the ships and weapons necessary (that dude who solo’s a Medusa in a sidewinder notwithstanding). I’ll def lose interest (again) by then.
So we offer them the Russian treatment. Bar all foreign investment, monetary exchange, trade, governmental data transfer, and travel to/from/through western countries. Freeze all foreign assets. If Russia is their savior, let Russia save them.
Oops - sorry; I used apple’s swipe keyboard. Usually it’s100% accurate. And by usually I mean never.
You guys are using apps?
-posted from my browser
Oh, the high seas are very, very busy these days. Still a bit difficult for the non technical user, but there is buried treasure out there.
Why would o feed their when the typing sorority is practically perfect.
all their services are shit
Many of their services are quite good. Their management and business operations have been turned to utter shit (for consumers). They've been told they need to make more money every quarter and they've run out of easy things to make money on, so they're now looking at their entire catalog with the sole focus of revenue generation and profit growth rather than merely being an impactful internet resource which is sustainably profitable.
Oh, but Adobe charges the very reasonable $600/yr and Autodesk a bargain $3000+ per year for their software, so clearly Sync must not be that good to only be asking $17 a year. I think I'll look for something more professionally priced, instead.
You probably also don’t value your time using pennies or fractions thereof on an hourly basis.
I have no problem with people who enjoy roasting their own beans. The process is fascinating. But when I’m partitioning out my 24 allocated hours in a day, roasting beans makes neither the list of preferred recreational activities nor the top 10 money making (or saving) exercises.
This is key for busy areas and to get maximum, unnumbered bandwidth. Using the Q2 on a dedicated 80MHz band (I live out in the sticks) with a dedicated router is indistinguishable to wired for me, a non-competitive gamer. Doubling that channel width - the potential for a Gbit dedicated link using cheap hardware - with (purported) 12ms latency is going to make pcvr (more) fantastic.