I like that now games try to fitt within the capabilities of handhelds, which I see as a win-win situation. Games focused on gameplay rather than aesthetics and better optimization for games.
Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I'm even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
I think most users just get a new device eventually. So as long the OEM have to get Ms licenses. Windows will still be around.
This was a triumph I'm making a note here: huge success It's hard to overstate my satisfaction Aperture Science... 🎶
About that, Germany is currently struggling with the Chinese for (global) market share. There was hope to win the electric car race but China brought them to market fairly quickly, while the German Automotive Industry moved slowly as it often does.
Yikes... One would expect stability and reliability from main distros, it's funny to me that Linux Mint is the thing you recommend your family to try because Fedora and Ubuntu, formerly popular distros, went to shit.
I also checked on my account forgot to mention that.
I get what you mean but as an avid souls player I can tell you N:A wasn't easy at the beginning. Felt like an "old game" then something clicked for me and was able to really enjoy the game and ended up getting all endings. It is not for everyone.
Surprised that Nier Automata is not showing as similar, from the gameplay I saw it is essentially the same game.
Also using Racoon, really nice
I mean alias is a thing and nothing is stopping you...
I think I will do it in my system.