
joined 1 year ago
[–] nzeayn 11 points 5 days ago

The first 3-6 months are like vegas, anything you and your partner say or feel in this period are exhaustion enduced and get forgotten. Until the baby can smile and act like a tiny human you just endure. Once it smiles and sleeps for at least 4 hours your brain will give the good chemicals and you both start to forget this time.

Honestly theres some great advice in this thread about perspective already. So being only three weeks in, i have one useful piece of real advice. Thats not a functional human yet, it cant move under it's own power, it cant remember what happened 5 minutes ago. You can strap the infant in a car seat and walk the fuck away for five minutes. be in another room breathing. It can not follow you, it will not remember. Use this weakness against it while you can.

[–] nzeayn 4 points 1 month ago

I'm in the same spot and 95% settled on moving to debian.

xubuntu has been good to me the last 10yrs. But its been about xfce, ubuntu got be part of the relationship because it was easy when i knew very little about linux. that and it can run well on a potato with a bunch of computer parts just duct taped randomly onto it. which is basically what my dumpster dived laptop was 10 yes ago.

[–] nzeayn 4 points 1 month ago

thats just a short term fixes too though. the ads will get more intrusive and annoying. and at some point pro ads will just turning themselves back on. because this is a company and it wants to sell things.

[–] nzeayn 2 points 1 month ago

cotton, wool, leather, modal and denim for me. found a tshirt i liked and just order 10 in the same color online when they wear out. same for jeans, socks, underwear and hoodies. rather dress like an npc than decide how annoying i'll accept my clothes being day to day. leather boots, havent owned sneakers in 15 yrs. leather jacket for cool weather. merino wool sweaters and a long heavy wool coat for thundersnow season.

modal beats out cotton sheets to me, but unblended cotton is still pretty comfy. layers of merino wool blankets. finally managed to get leather furniture this winter and my livingroom is usable even when im having a bad day.

also ereaders and stone paper. after gritting my teeth and feeling gross because everything is written on dry scratchy hateful paper. being able to read or just write down a quick note comfortably was kinda life changing.

[–] nzeayn 4 points 2 months ago

"it's possible i buried a self delete timebomb in one of our repos years ago. enjoy looking for it just incase assholes"

[–] nzeayn 6 points 2 months ago

was a bit of a running joke for years even before our son was diagnosted. but covid times offered the perfect period to hyper focus on researching his diagnosis. which led to reading all my old school records. finding all the vaugue language being used to dismiss my childhood behaviors that in his records, were used as the basis of a diagnosis. was an interesting "oh son of a bitch!" moment.

At this point in my life, i only put effort into maintaining two friendships. Both of which are a couple decades old now. One is ND at the very least. The other was diagnost as autistic about six months ago, to absolutely no ones surprise. We really do tend to drift into our own little social circles of peace.

[–] nzeayn 8 points 2 months ago (2 children)

"yeah, no shit. i though you knew this already"

[–] nzeayn 4 points 2 months ago

top right unless i'm working, they pay well enough for bottom right.

[–] nzeayn 8 points 2 months ago

Clearly you've not yet read my book 'Angry Men Are A Myth: why everyone should stop telling me to get therapy'

Every copy comes with a discount code for 5% off a Thinking Mans Fedora!

Remeber kids, the best devil's advocates shop exclusively from NotAllMen LLC.

[–] nzeayn 5 points 3 months ago

"Don't buy your son pink boots, thats a girl color." some rando in the store about the snow boots my happy 5yr old just picked out and is hugging. laughed and told my kid he could pick out a toy now too.

"Don't try so hard. they'll always love the mom more no matter what you do, so take it easy" my dad. yep.

"don't let your kid pick their own food" former friend without kids.

"don't let your kid argue with you, ever" different former friend with kids.

[–] nzeayn 17 points 3 months ago (4 children)

we talking cross universe or cross galaxy fight? Q likely takes issue with someone coming into his playground if we're universe hopping. Galaxy to galaxy it's carnage. As the thread here points out, both can destroy whole solar systems. Sure the federation would be slow to start doing so unless Janeway is still around. But they'd get there. Cloaking and transporter tech can make up for a fair amount of the federation being massively outnumbered. If the empire has to gind through borg territory before reaching federation space, that would balance things out. But really Trek time travels more often than stargate so who knows what madness that leads too. We may discover Sisko founds the jedi, while O'Brian finally snaps and founds the sith after being tortured for the 10,000th time.

[–] nzeayn 0 points 3 months ago

Yeah this right here. The cyber truck is just a status symbol. Like a v6 platinum f-150 crew cab sitting in a suburban driveway with an absolutely spotless bed. But for the very small well paid tech bro market.

My next truck will be electric because thats where the market will be in 15yrs. Electric is a good change, but it still needs to do truck things. Like move heavy crap and access lakes via what is basically the suggestion of a road. The cyber truck does neither of these tasks well.

Is the Ford vs Ram vs Chevy really still a thing? Cost had nothing to do with getting a Ram for me. It was simply the only brand that still offered a bench seat on more than an entry level work truck.

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