I'm pretty sure Canoo has everyone but the bike beat.
Apologies to Gary Larson, but this feels better to me.
Especially considering this was found in some of the captured Ruzzian documents:
Twitter is "the only mass platform that could currently be utilized in the U.S."
93 confessed/admitted to, not 38.
I don't know if the president even saw the comment that was on there or simply the picture.
Hmmm... Maybe his advanced age might have something to do with his not being fully aware or in control of his actions?
So, Ryan Gosling was 29 years old in the top picture. Damn is he a great actor.
3% of Democrats support Trump?
WTF? Who? How?
Assuming this was around 1994, and adjusting for inflation, it should still be under $2.
Thus proving true the recent adage, "A vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump".
The "deep end" business must be booming, as he seems to keep finding new ones to go off of.
His hat reads, "Finally someone with balls".
Just need to add, "for me to gargle" below.