It's beautifully crafted for sure. One thing gives it away as a definitely not Apple developed device: they would never have oriented the "Macintosh" branding in such a way that it's upside down when carried!
Because 12pt text becomes 8pt text and it's a hassle to scale the entire UI... for the apps that even a allow that. Imagine playing Quake (why the hell not) at a gajillion by bajillion pixels: glorious resolution, but what's my health again? Better to stay in the original SVGA or whatever it was. Exaggerating, but I'm sure you follow.
...and then you're locked out of using your phone to pay for things, can't install banking apps and marginal ID apps, et cetera. π’
Consider that the (in electric cars, obviously next-)most power hungry item on cars back then was the wind shield wiper motor. Modern cars easily put out 100kW, but then spend most of that in a thousand little ways. Back then, a 20W engine would be plenty.
There's a bit from Clarkson where he compares an old school aluminium-bodied Land Rover to the newfangled SUV things of the same brand. Used to be, switching to 4WD involved pulling a lever connected to a ferry-sized piece of metal going ka-chunk. Nowadays, you press a button and a red light comes on. How is that going to get you out of a ditch?
I want to see a MUCH higher resolution version of this photo. To study both that Wall-mounted proton pack and that exquisite hat.
In my experience, neither Slack nor other apps (that all blow Teams out of the water) can do that - except Discord, which isn't exactly a common office meeting app.
Wait, that's a dumb design. On a (way) older phone I had some automation running and all that location triggering was done on the phone and only connected to my home when I was in fact near it. Google (or any role party) shouldn't need to receive live geo location updates.
There's another origin story that revolves around someone having a pet leopard, got mauled by it, and still refused to see that a leopard is probably a terrible animal for a pet.
Could I trouble someone to give an ELI5 for this?
I don't understand any of it so I'm curious what makes it so desirable.
Well it whooshed me, so here's your chance to shine with your magnificent knowledge! π