
joined 1 year ago
[–] noughtnaut 15 points 2 days ago (1 children)

A more ethical approach then: put the person in a room together with an adhd'er and see how quickly they bond. Seriously, it's like there's a hidden kinship, shit just works.

[–] noughtnaut 2 points 4 days ago

Same. I wish you the best for your continued upward trajectory, friend. 😐🀜

What from, if I may ask?

Me, I've been on a multi-year roller coaster (more like haunted house ride, really, with the rattling and the spooks and the lack of upwards motion...) involving asking for help in what turned out to be the wrong place, causing me to lose my job, kids, spouse, dream house, future dreams, sanity, and damn near my life.

Still, I'm still here, still hoping for things to get better. You know, eventually.

[–] noughtnaut 1 points 6 days ago

A lot of ATM cash machines run Windows 7. Yes, still.

[–] noughtnaut 1 points 1 week ago

On my old android phone, I have a beautiful 24 hour clock (app and widget) which is unfortunately no longer available in the play store.

Just saying, it exists if you know how to look for it. It was Vejle, believe it or not, "24 hour clock".

[–] noughtnaut 4 points 1 week ago

On a Hyundai, there's a very annoying beeping pretty much coinciding with the wheels hitting the lane markings - which IMHO is too little too late, and besides around here most lane markings are made to rumble so it's not like an additional audio signal is needed.

On my ex'es brand new car, that feature got turned off after very few kilometres, and has stayed off ever since.

[–] noughtnaut 2 points 1 week ago

"Men must be stoic no matter what!"

"Men are such insensitive dolts!"

"All men are part of the patriarchy!"

...yeah, we're not making it easy for men to show affection, are we?

[–] noughtnaut 5 points 1 week ago

The guys I go to tantra classes with are very affectionate, and it's so lovely.

[–] noughtnaut 4 points 1 week ago

Cue the tune in my head. Thank you, it's so lovely. 😍

[–] noughtnaut 13 points 1 week ago

Taking a day off? From parenthood? Back when my kids were tiny, the office was my reprieve. Then, of course, covid struck...

[–] noughtnaut 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

What's funny is that, nowadays, young readers are likely to think "ok so a perfect cloudless blue, gotcha" instead of envisioning an ominous salt and pepper static.

[–] noughtnaut 1 points 1 week ago

"The ice moved."

The next thing that happens, happens several millions years later. That's from [Ice, by James Follett](< The rest of the book has its weaknesses, but the premise and the intro are quite good. The way you are thrown around on the sheer shake of time is rather jostling.

[–] noughtnaut 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Ah, you mean like the sync that Palm OS used to have? Yup, that was neat, and I'm still waiting for Android to pick up some of the neat features from back then.


From my understanding, (a) the brain has no nerves, which is why you can talk to people while doing brain surgery on them; and (b) headache is caused by blood vessels constricting. Now, I am unsure whether migraines are also caused by blood vessels constricting, but in any case - what is it that is doing the sensing of this pain? Or is it a(nother) case of the brain just making shit up because it hates me?

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