Back when you had to send your photo film off to get developed, it was Some Day My Prints Will Come.
Kinda ironic, we have a couple projects using Typia for clientside validation of external data, and we migrated them to Bun because of how nicely Typia integrates with Bun. I guess this performance issue doesn't affect us though, because we only use Bun as a build tool.
In the press conference he's trying to pin it on DEI. Disgusting behaviour.
Procrastination is going fantastically well.
Gravity doesn't care what a fundamental force is, or who considers it to be one. It just exists. The labels humans put on such things are entirely arbitrary.
Very 'andy.
Why not all carmakers, forever?
He must have one of those showers that heats the water as it's used. If there was a hot water tank involved, I might have read the whole thing.
I liked his commentary on those squirrel videos.
Elf on the shelf sees all.
I "expect" it to be unaffordable, but then I'll probably buy it anyway, then feel bad about spending money i don't have, then spend even more money I don't have on things like ice-cream and whiskey to make me feel better about spending money I don't have on unaffordable stuff.