80, 327 same thing; at the end of the day these kids aren't creating any jobs or producing any value for the share holders. So are they really even people?
I’m saying without the greed of capitalism we wouldn’t have phones to swap out parts.
This might be a hot take but I'm not sure we all need a phone in our pocket or that it's inherently a good thing.
They changed literally to mean figuratively because the internet wouldn't stop doing it.
This timeline is fucked in so many ways.
Sounds like you're vastly outside the norm and your perception may be skewed. You'll just have to take peoples word that $100k/yr in Manhattan is not "insanely wealthy."
There was another school shooting this week, i think that's the 80th this year and people don't seem to care. Why would anyone care about some parasite millionaire when innocent kids are gunned down everyday and that's just the way it is.
Do you believe people who are unresponsive and comatose for a long period should be kept alive despite the families wishes?
I've had two different very realistic dreams (years ago) where I shot someone and both of them were terrifying. It's not something I'd look forward to. It'd definitely ruin my week if not my entire month.
Is this a serious question?
Do you believe armed protesters are easier or more difficult to suppress?
nothing would change in the world.
It depends on a lot of factors but an argument could be made that things would improve.
Just IMO (and a lot of other peoples) military spending is completely out of control and a small fraction of it could pay for healthcare and education for everyone. But I agree the ruling class and associated MIC lobbyists aren't going to let that happen any time soon, as nice as it would be.
Primarying incumbents who wouldn't go along with them is how the far right took control of the GOP so of course the DNC is scared. That's exactly how we can take control of it.
I keep my scale in the cocaine room.