Exactly this. The average leftist can talk for ages about how Harris has to 'earn their vote' but at the end of the day you vote for the political party you have, not the one you want. The fact Trump won the popular vote is shameful on the part of the US left. Voter suppression definitely played a part but the lack of urgency, the constant infighting and demands for Harris to appeal more to them absolutely did not help matters.
Dishing is trying to make back the money he lost on Twitter
I'm very impressed by your typing speed if 20 gbps is a bottleneck
There really ought to be a mandate or something that provincial parties cannot share names with federal ones, to prevent this sort of confusion, imo
Absolutely. The way he talks too, he uses this flowery, overly technical language you usually only use when talking to engineers or technical people. It's purely an attempt to confuse and sound smart, as any engineer worth their salt will tailor their language to their audience.
Don't worry, since Trump will install himself as dictator for life, this means he has more than 4 years to get someone to Mars.
Then again, given Trump's age and diet, maybe 4 years is generous in and of itself...
Guarantee this is a ploy to chase off the 'less committed' employees (read: less desperate), while not having to announce mass layoffs.
Most folks find change between their couch cushions, but I guess this is what you're left with after Vance visits...
Super cool! I came across this a few days ago myself actually, and it's really cool how easy it is to set up. Sadly I'm running Windows at the moment on my main gaming rig, so I'm still using Sunshine for now.
There was a Minions 2??
Accelerationism doesn't even make sense at the moment, if a revolution breaks out, it will be a free-for-all, with different groups trying to claim all the power. And judging by the results of the election, the majority of Americans either fully support or are fine with fascists winning. The working class has to be educated, has to have their consciousness built up before a revolution can actually go communist, otherwise you just end up with populism and fascism. It's very shortsighted thinking.