Years ago when I was on Medicaid I spent about 2 weeks in the hospital. They took my appendix out and after looking at it and running some tests found out that I had some rare parasite. I was in excruciating pain at the time, throwing up blood a few times a day and just withering away. There was a pill that I was waiting to get that would've killed the parasites which could've been given to me after my 4th day there when they confirmed what I had. I spent the rest of the 2 weeks being doped up on morphine and an array of fluids until I couldn't take it anymore and left the hospital 'AMA'.
I went to a different hospital and got the medicine I needed almost immediately.
I did throw up again though when I got a ~$60k bill from my 2 week stay at the first hospital. Again they took out my appendix, ran some test, and pumped me with opiods for 2 weeks without treating my actual issue.
The beach, I couldn't give less of a bother about going to lay on some burning sand, occasionally dipping my toes in some freezing fish piss water, and getting pelted in the face with sand as a bunch of kids run by kicking up every speck of sand they touch while their parents are getting shitfaced and blasting music no one else wants to hear.
Put me in a secluded lake in the woods with some shade near by and I'm all in though. I guess more specifically my issue is with the people at the beach, but still.