I googled the website on one of the signs, bounced on 2 or 3 links and found this gem :
Checkmate atheists!
(/s, in case anyone needs this)
I googled the website on one of the signs, bounced on 2 or 3 links and found this gem :
Checkmate atheists!
(/s, in case anyone needs this)
Hello fellow 38yo non-conservative person!
I love these and I hope there'll be more, great job! 😊
As someone who's just learning English, I didn't know what that word in the op meant. Now I know. And indeed, it's super cringe.
I confirm. It's hilarious. People are trying hard to find other means of mentioning this service without actually saying ChatGPT but most of the times, they're stuck and everybody keeps a straight face but deep down we all know the boss/teacher/minister just said, "cat/pussy I farted" and I think it's wonderful.
An old meme, but it checks out [insert you know which image]
Upvote for the title. Also, cats!
Cadenza plays music. Cadenza also reads Thomas Mathiesen.
The original Reddit antiwork community had a few Marxists, IIRC, but that's were not they majority at all.
Good bot