A word from a stranger leading me to his Wikipedia page. The second one is decisive. Wikipedia can make mistakes, but there are some heavy leads..
Well technically yes, it's a French way of thinking.
Just googling his name and... ewww.
Being no. American, I had no idea who this person was, sorry!
Damn. I had no idea who that person was. I thought it was just a classical meme template featuring some random dude. I saw this posted so often I never really thought that person may be a public one.
Thanks for the warning, I'll never post using this template again.
And fk nazis.
That's satirical, right?
Why did this make me laugh so hard? What's wrong with me?!
This, my friend, is a 400ton edgelord take. One could talk about the underlying analysis but my, your tone is the first thing that strikes me. No one Hi will suffer under this administration would understand this. Fishing for purity-vs-sheeples won't help anyone.
P. S. : In my book, the dems are awful, and I'm not even an US citizen, so I'm not directly concerned.
I just hope you're very young and will regret your wording one day.
Thanks for listening.
Tbh, even if I live character customization I don't think it's easy and affordable at all for a small dev. You have to make sure all aspects of the game adapt to the choice (models, textures, items, SE, writing and so on). Actually, I suppose it can significantly increase the cost of the project.
Oh that sweet reference
Yeah, this indeed.