OverflowAI: duplicate of “how to tie-dye a shirt”
50% of video game players makes sense to me, depending on what you count as a video game player. If, say, it was anyone who’s played any video game in the last year, I believe be about right. Sims, among us, the dinosaur game in chrome, wordle, etc. it adds up
Men probably dedicate more time to gaming and make it a bigger part of our lives, hence why it would seem more common.
If someone didn’t bother to use 3rd party apps, they probably wouldn’t bother to switch to a whole new platform. Also federated sites are not intuitive and lemmy is scary of you go in without understanding that.
I mean, google lemmy and you don’t get much, its not a .com but rather there’s tons of instances which would just look like fake sites. And the design of the official site doesn’t exactly scream trustworthy. Im pretty tech literate and i had to find a tutorial to join the fediverse.
Im assuming there’s a bunch of folks who just don’t care to put that effort in so they’ll just stick around until it fails to meet their low standards.
I don’t think standard dimmers for incandescent bulbs work well with LEDs. Dimming leds is usually done with pulse width modulation, or turning it off and on very very quickly.
Led bulbs have more components inside to adapt the old school ac current to whatever the LEDs need, you might be killing those components with the dimmer.
Only solution i know off would be using smart bulbs if you want to stick with LEDs, but id imagine theres other ways to go about it, i just dont know
Mostly use it as quora now. Google takes me there, i don’t always remember to use cached version
Yes, thats what we're saying. No one said it's an infinitesimally small difference as in hyperbolically its there but really small. Like literally, if you start with 0.9 = 1-0.1, 0.99 = 1-0.01, 0.9... n nines ...9 = 1-0.1^n. You'll start to approach one, and the difference with one would be 0.1^n correct? So if you make that difference infinitely small (infinite: to an infinite extent or amount): lim n -> inf of 0.1^n = 0. And therefore 0.999... = lim n -> inf of 1-0.1^n = 1-0 = 1.
I think it's a good way to rationalize, why 0.999... is THE SAME as 1. The more 9s you add, the smaller the difference, at infinite nines, you'll have an infinitely small difference which is the same as no difference at all. It's the literal proof, idk how to make it more clear. I think you're confusing infinitely and infinitesimally which are not at all the same.
They said its the same number though, not basically the same. The idea that as you keep adding 9s to 0.9 you reduce the difference, an infinite amount of 9s yields an infinitely small difference (i.e. no difference) seems sound to me. I think they’re spot on.
Well you still have to go through the manufacturer and/or you need special tools, you’ll also get “genuine battery” warnings even with an original battery if you go third party or DIY. Ideally it should be thought through to be accessible for users to do themselves. And as you say, batteries aren’t the only or biggest offender.
Repairable doesn’t necessarily mean swapping though. Manufacturers make it artificially complex to repair batteries to boost sales, just because the market moved this way doesn’t mean thats what people want. I agree swapping might require tradeoffs a lot of people wouldn’t want, but there’s small changes that could help it be a reasonable fix with common tools.
I’ll 100% prefer a thin but still repairable device that requires disassembly and common tools to replace the battery. Its not something that needs frequent changes any more, most devices can go 2 years plus and before the battery really needs changing, more if you take care of them.
For the Steamdeck it makes sense to have “old school” battery packs so people can choose. But for that same reason, it would be stupid to require by law for all devices to support hot swapping batteries.
To add, open source projects tend to give YOU more control over the data (if not the mainline version, some fork will probably exist. Its far more profitable to target a big company for a ransom than an average Joe. Obviously, as long as you don’t fall for one of the classic blunders.
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