How do i short this shit
Man u sound stressed. Juat follow the simple multistep proccess for all plane travel and you will be good.
- Get to arport many many hours ahead of shedule
- Checkin yourself and ur bagged in
- Spend 93hours getting through security
- Find ur boarding gate look at it and assess how many hours untill u board
- Set an alarm that gives u ample time to get from wherever in airport to ur gate
- Find food and drink
U have now set urself up so u almost cant fuck up relax dude as long u get on ur plane ur fine.
Btw window seats are bullshit the actuall seat u want is the isle seat. Dont worry about engine noise its the same everywhere most of the sound comes through the plane body. Front back middle doesnt really matter just want to try avoid being near a bathroom cos that will keep u awake all friggin night.
I like that go make a post on the mojang feedback site ill give it an upvote
Do u have starlink im not sure what their privacy policy is like tho.
Fuck the fags.
I prefer to leave it ambiguouse. Am i being maliciouse or encouraging who knows.
Sounds a lot like kids just being awfull its something they tend to do.
Sorry if i sound a little cold. But he may be of more value as a marter than as alive to help take down the russian system.
Is that what 4chan is? Weaponised autism.
I love democracy and democracy spoke. Democracy did not speak on the voice it spoke on putting it in the constitution an expensive and pointless gamble that killed the voice from existing in a form not within the constitution.
Ur missing the whole point the referendum wasnt a vote on the issue of a voice as many like to say it was. It was a vote to put said voice in the constitution we could have had a voice right now and they could have been given $364.6 million. But instead we had a vote to put it in the constitution and we have neither a voice or 364.6 million dollars to help solve indiginous issues. The vote was unnessasary but instead we had the vote and we have no voice whatsoever the government gambled on putting it in the constitution and lost it all.
Ohh thats just the thing i know my spelling is fucked and my lack of any punctuation whatsoever exist i fully aknowlege that. And honestly i dont give a fuck because i prefer to judge based on the content of ones message not the medium through which the message was delivered.