
joined 2 years ago
[–] multicolorKnight 2 points 7 hours ago

Chicken vegetable stir fry. I've had the ingredients prepped for a couple days now. It was pretty good.

[–] multicolorKnight 2 points 5 days ago

Thank you for reminding me: I have an electric shaver that is perfectly good except the batteries do not hold a charge.

Being able to do this kind of repair will save you money in the long run, as well as keeping stuff out of the waste stream.

[–] multicolorKnight 1 points 1 week ago

I was surprised by the speed increase as well. I assumed that broadband would be the bottleneck, but apparently not.

[–] multicolorKnight 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have not tried either, but since you point it out, I think I will install the adguard...

[–] multicolorKnight 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's not even reinstalled, it's purpose built for it:

[–] multicolorKnight 2 points 1 week ago

I've always thought that kind of router seems cool, but I am more of a portable circular saw kevel woodworker.

[–] multicolorKnight 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Excellent so far. It took me a while to set up, I had to start over from scratch once. They claim it is "brick proof" and I can bear witness. Performance, as I said, is excellent.

[–] multicolorKnight 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yes, all that. The password manager is not going to do anything for one's Nintendo Switch, however.


Maybe this is too nerdy for this group. I got an OpenWRT ONE router, replaced the old TP-Link one I had. The bad press got to me. The new one is fast, I could not believe how much faster things like downloading files is now.

The worst part was that I had picked out a complicated password with lots of punctuation, and typing that on phones and on-screen keyboards for TVs and game consoles was painful.

Also I pinged Google, and got an IPv6 response for the first time.

[–] multicolorKnight 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I agree, the majority of Americans are decent, not racist or various forms of genophobic, and resisting as best they can. The government and media has merged into a monster. ii looks huge and scary; that's by design. If you give up hope, they have won.


Seems to me that it's mostly revenge; dismantling any government agency that has ever thwarted him, or that the right wing does not like. But, I certainly don't trust his motives...

[–] multicolorKnight 1 points 1 week ago

I have a pretty good set of electronics tools. I used to use the flush side cutters. Someone bought me a gift of fancy German nail cutters , they look like the electronics tools, but are curved to do better on nails. No brand markings on them, but they are the best.


I can't figure out why: usually it's because I've been doing some dirty job, working on the car, planting, etc, but I have not been doing any of those things.

[–] multicolorKnight 2 points 1 week ago

I used to have a big plastic tub that I just tossed all the cables into. After a few years, it was literally all one piece; no matter where you pulled, the entire thing would come out. It took 5 minutes of untangling to get anything out. My brother called it an abomination.

I bag each type separately, as you do. I have fewer audio cables, so they are also bagged in the same bin, quarter and eighth inch phone cables separately. No Apple stuff. Extras like DE9 serial and MIDI cables. IEC power cables are in the bin, extension cords coiled, hanging from the basement ceiling.

[–] multicolorKnight 2 points 2 weeks ago

Good to hear,I just bought this today, have not even broken the shrink wrap.


Obviously for Northern Hemisphere folks here. Where I am, it has been mostly below freezing, a little snow but not enough to pe pretty or good to play in. It's mostly indoor activities. I work out at the gym, play board games, have random get togethers with friends. What do you do?


I went for a haircut today. My usual barbershop has closed down, the owner retired, and the guy who did me went to another shop, that was closed today. So I went to a new place. I only asked for the usual, #4 buzz cut on the head and #3 on beard, but nobody else was in the place, and they ended doing everything they have: buzz cut, razor around the edges, hot towels, neck massage. Almost an hour in the chair.

Felt a little hustled, but it was not that much, and I did not say no to anything. I think it was a promo by the shop owner, they want me to come back. I will be in front of a lot of people next week, so does not hurt to look as good as possible, and I did enjoy it. Probably won't do it all the time, though.


I, personally, like to take the opportunity to express aspirations: not just trying to stop doing things I feel are harmful, but also to try new things or practice positive things more. A couple from me:

  • Avoid sarcasm when dealing with people, especially strangers, it does not go over well when they don't get the joke
  • Do something positive, helpful, and non-criminal to counter the right wing political trend. (granted, this one needs more detail)

How about you?


I figure it's about 50-50 for me. People buy some ridiculous things as gifts, mostly out of desperation to buy something.

These come in several categories:

  • WTF: the giver is clueless or even malicious
  • Other people's aspirations: gifts they think will make you a different, "better", person
  • Meh: no explanation necessary
  • Hmm: seems like a good idea, just not for you

...does that make me ineligible for this channel?

A while ago, I bought a purpose built knife sharpener appliance, on impulse, immediately, after seeing an ad. The sort of response that advertisers dream of. Have not regretted it. Dull knives are annoying to work with.


Darth Vader: "You are in command now, Admiral Plett"

Plett: (nervously) "Thank you, Lord Vader"


Another (US, yes, other cultures feel free to substitute your own here) Thanksgiving. I don't really enjoy turkey, I have food issues anyway, feasting is very conflicted.

Then, there is the enforced extended family togetherness, the clueless rightwing folks carrying on vs the suffering vegans. Everyone expected to be happy. This is almost beyond cliché, but it's real, happens every year.


NGL, not asking for a friend. Given the current trends in US politics, it seems prudent to at least look into it.

Most of the online content on the topic seems to be by immigration attorneys hustling ultra rich people. I'm not ultra rich. I have a job in tech, could work remotely, also have enough assets to not desperately need money if the cost of living were low enough.

I am a native English speaker, fluent enough in Spanish to survive in a Spanish speaking country. I am old, male, cis, hetero, basically asexual at this point. I am outgoing, comfortable among strangers.

What's good and bad about where you live? Would it be OK for a outsider, newcomer?


I personally don't think it matters much at all, except in channels that specifically identify that way. However, I am male, hetero, cis, so its possible I'm just clueless.

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