
joined 2 years ago
[–] motorheadkusanagi 2 points 2 years ago (4 children)

sic semper tyrannis? you're seriously referencing john wilkes booth with your username?!

[–] motorheadkusanagi 3 points 2 years ago
[–] motorheadkusanagi 10 points 2 years ago

Oh, I think it encouraged the Republicans a lot more than you're giving credit for.

So it may feel like things didnt go crazy, but I'd argue everything about 9/11 would have been different if Democrats were in office. Probably would not have invaded Afghanistan, for example. Probably wouldve had better handling of the economy leading up to the 2008 crisis.

But with that said, I do understand that for many, it didnt feel like it had a big impact.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 26 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The supreme court decided the outcome of a Presidential election and no one batted an eye lash.

That was pretty weird, IMO, and a hint of what was to come.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Flatpak or just docker would be better. Snap is redundant.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 58 points 2 years ago (5 children)

That misses the point, imo. Much of Hashi's ecosystem was created by people who contributed to the product believing it was community owned, as that's what the license said.

Oracle tried to do similar when they closed the source for Hudson. Hudson was forked, creating Jenkins, and I would be surprised if folks even remember Hudson today.

Oxide Computing gets into the details on their podcast:


HashiCorp recently changed Terraform from an open source model to something that requires licensing, so folks got together, forked the code, and created OpenTF.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 13 points 2 years ago (3 children)

seriously it is so stupid

[–] motorheadkusanagi 7 points 2 years ago

Biden can always use the 14th amendment to tell them to get lost.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 8 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

It isnt a theory. Steve Calabresi, one of the founders of the Federalist Society, whom we'd think should be against this interpretation, wrote an article for Reason in support of the original paper.

The core of the argument is that current context is an extremely good match for the context that created the law in the first place. They seem to believe it enough to think it should be regarded as true. For some reason...

So let's consider incentives. Why would they want to avoid a court case? Is it possible they'd lose and somehow make a radical event take place in US law?

Maybe they believe it is self-preservation in some way, to avoid a historically significant court decision going against them. Or another way, maybe theyre low key trying to somehow move on.

This may be the closest thing the Republican Party ever does to waving the white flag. They never admit defeat.

[–] motorheadkusanagi 13 points 2 years ago

We're werehouses here, not swearhouses.

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