
joined 2 years ago
[–] monolalia 2 points 1 month ago

That… and my insecurity as to what a sane-and-polite-but-not-overdone phrasing would be fades quicker than when that phrasing has been immortalised through writing. It’s just over sooner (provided you actually manage to get through to someone)

[–] monolalia 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

English is fucking weird, and I can’t imagine learning all of these rules. Frankly, I couldn’t even explain to you how I know 3/4 of them, it’s just innate at this point.

Not even knowing shit = not even knowing the least (most worthless) amount possible = knowing nothing?

All languages are weird. English has very little in the way of inflection, which makes it fairly easy to pick up (in my opinion). For example, it only has one word each for “the” and “a(n)” whereas German has “der/die/das, des/der/des, dem/der/dem, den/die/das, die, der, den, die” and “ein/eine/ein, eines/einer/eines, einem/einer/einem, einen/eine/ein”. Yes, lots of duplicates, but each instance has its own distinct grammatical function, and its much the same with adjectives and nouns, and it all has to line up; “green” is different depending on the grammatical gender and number and noun case of whatever it is that is green… for example.

I think at some point you’re pretty much done actively learning rules unless you’re a proofreader, teacher, editor, translator, writer, philologist… you ’ll just have to move on to immersing yourself in English, whether it’s in person or via song lyrics, movies, books, forums, articles, documentation, video games. That way you’ll pick up idiomatic expressions like this one and ideally develop something like an informed sense for what sounds right (for example: “I could care less” doesn’t make much sense, and “irregardless” is a pointless double negative).

[–] monolalia 5 points 2 months ago

Waah! It’s still almost two months away! (Just went back to 200% scaling because of some fuzz and weirdness here and there that most people probably wouldn't bother noticing)

[–] monolalia 3 points 3 months ago

My website-making days also were my graphic-design-school days, so while they could be a little on the weird side I at least tried to make them clean, readable, and aesthetically non-hazardous. Well, apart from that one wonder that wouldn’t look right on Netscape.

It was great to be able to do this entirely by hand and still end up with something no worse than professional sites in appearance. (And there weren’t yet a bazillion laws and regulations in my country making it too complicated for an undermotivated single private individual to attempt to stay compliant)

[–] monolalia 9 points 3 months ago

Thanks -- fixing

[–] monolalia 34 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)


On September 15th, the NYPD shot four people over the $2.90 fare


So the NYPD can double tap and go

[–] monolalia 1 points 5 months ago

I dunno. There’s no Proton on Mac, so lumping Mac and Linux together when they really just mean Proton wouldn’t make much sense. There are native Mac and Linux games on Steam, and the Steam store page has icons and system requirement tabs for all three OSes, neither of which happens with Windows-only games. “We’re also releasing Civilization VII for MacOS and Linux / SteamOS” also sounds like they’re talking about actual Linux and Mac builds. It could all be miscommunication, of course. That wouldn’t surprise me.

[–] monolalia 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Seems pretty clear to me: “We’re also releasing Civilization VII for MacOS and Linux / SteamOS” doesn’t just not mention Proton, there also isn’t a Proton on MacOS Steam. And you don’t get Linux and Mac system sepcs and platform icons on Windows-only games on Steam whether or not you can run them with Proton; you get ”Steam Deck Verified”.

(I’m half expecting them to walk that back later but for now the message seems clear.)

[–] monolalia 11 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)


Is that even an option on the Mac? And “Proton games” wouldn’t show the Mac and SteamOS platform icon on the Steam store.

We're also releasing Civilization VII for MacOS and Linux / SteamOS. However, we don't have specs to share for those platforms at this time.


Now whether all this is just a mix-up in this age of “Linux ports aren’t worth it and they always suck anyway”… maybe.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by monolalia to c/linux_gaming

As per the linked FAQ,

What platforms will Sid Meier's Civilization VII be available on?

Sid Meier's Civilization VII will be available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam (which also supports Mac and Linux) and the Epic Games Store.

The Steam store (preorder) listing shows all three platform icons so I’m guessing they’re not just talking about making it work with Proton.

No mention yet of Aspyr (who ported Civ 5 & 6) as far as I can see.

[–] monolalia 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Wired and wireless X-Box 360 controllers with the built-in kernel drivers, generally hassle-free these days!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by monolalia to c/linux_gaming

As reported by GamingOnLinux, the folks behind the modern Myst-like Quern have a native Linux demo out on Steam for an exploration-heavy first-person adventure game called Dimhaven Enigmas.

There’s a Kickstarter with tons of additional information.

In an age of native Linux support getting dropped or passed over I hope it goes well for them.

And if you’re into that sort of thing, Quern is currently 80% off. (Though it’s also 80% off if you’re not into that sort of thing)


Note that when the changelog mentions "Windows builds" or "Mac builds", they mean the games, not builds of Heroic itself… I think.


Text descriptions, neofetches, photos; it’s all fine!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by monolalia to c/linux_gaming

This is not really a thing yet.

^(Edit: I think it is now.)^

Hoo boy; we have all sorts of formatting options here!

10 print "goto 10";
20 hello world!

spoiler(Personally, I liked to spell it GO TO wherever it’d let me)

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