Wokeness is just base-level anti-racism. Anyone who complains about "woke" is literally just declaring their racism. It never meant and never means anything other than exactly that.
Always check the elbows. That's how you can tell.
Surprising New Primary Challenger
That's not that surprising. I was hoping it was like a golden retriever or something.
What do you mean "spit out"? Is it being put into a new open workbook, an existing open workbook, or is it being saved as a file?
And I don't mean to suggest I know better than the person actually dealing with the situation (I hate when people do that), but if you can do it manually, it can be automated.
There is definitely a way to automate that process. Even if you can't somehow sanitize the input before Excel reads it as dates, unfucking the data can definitely be reduced to a single button-push. I've based my entire career on my ability to do that.
Sure. I prefer reading books on an e-ink screen as well. But that's for books, not a game genre that peaked 45 years ago.
I just can't see a product like this having enough demand. Hopefully they find a way to make it work, because I totally get wanting to own a specialized object like this.
I don't see it, but if you say so.
Couldn't you just develop these games on phones/tablets, with full color and a keyboard?
I don't get it. They should cater specifically to people who have seen other Captain America movies but haven't seen (or don't remember) Endgame? What an arbitrarily narrow demographic.
The point is that being a super soldier isn't really the thing that made Steve Rogers special. Bucky couldn't lead the Avengers. Sam could.
I fully appreciate what you're saying, and I'm not even saying I disagree. But most people still won't support it.
There have been polls. He has a lot of support, but it's definitely not more than half.
Can't see the hands from behind. Plus what if she's wearing gloves or has hooks for hands?