As a Millennial, I'm confused why you wouldn't use the correct White Ninja meme on the left.
No, for three reasons.
There ain't no Slaying, there ain't no Spires, and there ain't no Slaying of no Spires.
Was it live streaming or pre-recorded? I'm coming to realize that most pre-recorded roguelike videos are cherry-picked and don't teach you much.
I bought it on my phone over the summer when we lost power for a week (I live in Texas). I couldn't consistently charge my phone, but Slay the Spire offered a much needed distraction for hours.
I haven't heard of Fights in Tight Spaces, but I'll check it out.
I slept on Slay the Spire for years because the description of it sounded so good it was like the developers were reading my diary, and I wasn't ready for that.
Can't see the hands from behind. Plus what if she's wearing gloves or has hooks for hands?
Wokeness is just base-level anti-racism. Anyone who complains about "woke" is literally just declaring their racism. It never meant and never means anything other than exactly that.
Always check the elbows. That's how you can tell.
Surprising New Primary Challenger
That's not that surprising. I was hoping it was like a golden retriever or something.
What do you mean "spit out"? Is it being put into a new open workbook, an existing open workbook, or is it being saved as a file?
And I don't mean to suggest I know better than the person actually dealing with the situation (I hate when people do that), but if you can do it manually, it can be automated.
There is definitely a way to automate that process. Even if you can't somehow sanitize the input before Excel reads it as dates, unfucking the data can definitely be reduced to a single button-push. I've based my entire career on my ability to do that.
Somehow I went 25 years without ever hearing the song that Portishead recorded with Tom Jones. I just heard it for the first time a couple of weeks ago.