Every time you begin to like an item it's mostly sold out.
Or outright discontinued. This actually happens to me in life all the damn time.
Every time you begin to like an item it's mostly sold out.
Or outright discontinued. This actually happens to me in life all the damn time.
You get to have your entire music playlist, but every song slowly shifts in and out of tune.
You have to eat cereal at every meal, but the milk goes from nice and cold to warm the moment you pour it, and the cereal also instantly turns soggy.
The only TV shows nothing but Calgary vs Vancouver hockey games. (actually this might be hell)
Mr Plow
Your wife?? ::wwikch:: ::wwikch::
I'm old(er), and living near the border allowed for access to some great children's programming back in the day.
Mr Dressup and Friendly Giant in particular. (side note, if you have access, check out the excellent documentary about Mr Dressup on Prime).
As for music, again, being near the border, with one of the best alternative radio stations in the 90s (89-X), I was turned on to many excellent artists. To name a few....
24 Gone
The Tragically Hip
The Pursuit of Happiness
Amanda Marshall
The Grapes of Wrath
and so many more. Most of these bands could still easily edge out anything new on the radio today.
Holy fuck, "seen".
I honestly think that using this word incorrectly has gotten worse over the last few years. Hearing someone say, "yeah, I seen her yesterday" just makes me want to punch the wall.
At least X is for xylophone.
Because X is always for xylophone.
But I'm le tired...
Hasn't happened yet, but I'm waiting to see how long it takes Google to make the change in Maps.
I honestly believe that the show has been moved inside due to safety concerns, having nothing to do with the cold.
We already have one CEO gunned down. Can you imagine the target having Trump, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and however many other billionaires and government officials makes?
Or do this and save a few bucks.
One day out of the blue, I received a text message, "Dude... I just received my 13lb block of cheese!!"
No idea who sent it. Wasn't even an area code I recognized. But 10 years later, my wife and I still reference it. That one text has taken top-tier residence in my brain, and the person who sent it didn't need to go to the store to buy watermelons or go out at night making deliveries.
If anyone ever pushes him on that statement, he'll just say that he now has complete power to redefine the length of a "day".