
joined 2 years ago
[–] million 1 points 4 months ago

Unfortunately no.

[–] million 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

CoolerMaster Tempest GP27U

I would not recommend it for anything besides running Windows as it has issue connecting to Linux and Mac devices (duel booting Linux and have a MacBook).

Actually I wouldn’t recommend it period. I’ve had a lot of problems with it.

[–] million 1 points 4 months ago

Read my original post - for HDR content I need to turn off VRR. Not ideal but it’s the reality for my monitor.

[–] million 3 points 4 months ago

I’m into it so far but the traversal stuttering on PC is really hampering my enjoyment of the game.

Wondering if I should have picked up the PS5 version instead.

[–] million 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Maybe it’s in my head, but I feel like if I am running a game at a weird rate, like hover 100 it’s pretty noticeable with VRR on and off in terms of smoothness.

So you are saying the cap doesn’t matter so much as the consistency to hit that?

[–] million 1 points 4 months ago

GPU is Radeon 7900xtx, so pretty new.

I may switch back to distro Steam. I was trying to get as much Flatpaked as possible but getting HDR working is more important to me.

[–] million 15 points 4 months ago (15 children)

The problems is what constitutes as politics is very different to different people. Is a gay man posting about his relationship with his husband political?

[–] million 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Yeah I was running the game under Plasma 6 with HDR enabled and inside a game scope container.

Sounds like there are some issues with Flatpak and HDR so that may be what I am hitting.

What additional configuration are you referring to?

[–] million 1 points 5 months ago

I got it to engage, the game thinks it’s running in HDR but it just looks really bad

[–] million 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Ah - thanks for the heads up about the Flatpak version. I have everything running in Flatpak, Steam as well, so that may be why I've had zero luck with HDR.

[–] million 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (8 children)

Got it working, added to -f --hdr-enabled to the Additional Options section under the upscale options in the Gamescope tab. Note that you need to have upscape ticked even with additional options added.

Unfortunately it looks washed out and awful.

Edit: Just a quick note for folks this later on - it does indeed seem Flatpak related, or at the very least I got similar results under the Steam flatpak trying to run game in HDR. I ended installing the native package Steam and lo and behold, HDR no longer looks as washed out, though it still looks a little off compared to Windows. Those swapchains errors I was getting also vanish.

[–] million 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (10 children)

I wouldn't have thought to try that, thanks. Can confirm it looks like it is running Gamescope now. However I am still not getting an HDR switch in Alan Wake 2.

Getting the following errors:

"CreateSwapchainKHR: Creating swapchain for non-Gamescope swapchain. Hooking has failed somewhere! You may have a bad Vulkan layer interfering. Press OK to try to power through this error, or Cancel to stop."

"QueuePresentKHR: Attempting to present to a non-hooked swapchain. Hooking has failed somewhere! You may have a bad Vulkan layer interfering. Press OK to try to power through this error, or Cancel to stop."

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by million to c/huntshowdown

I see lighter rain, and I hear the heavy rain and see the fog effect but I actually can't see the rain effect. My partner is telling me this is a huge advantage because it's pretty blinding, but I don't want to have an unfair advantage and I would prefer to get the intended experience.

Anyone else seeing (or maybe more correctly *not *seeing) this?


Was looking at the Steam store page today and I no longer see the bundle that includes all the DLC.

Did they get rid of that? It was a great way to pick up missing DLC for a bundle discount.

Game crashes on start up (self.huntshowdown)
submitted 2 years ago by million to c/huntshowdown

Anyone else hitting this? Game crashes right on startup as it loads the loadout screen.

Reddit is saying this is happening for a bunch of folks all the sudden,

How are your games going? (self.huntshowdown)
submitted 2 years ago by million to c/huntshowdown

I am on a crazy long cold streak, where I get kills, but haven't gotten a bounty in a while. My hunt dollars are getting dangerously low.


At this point 75% of my calls are spam. I get the occasional text spam but it’s much lower. The number one feature I want Apple to announce is features to better handle spam.

Any else in the same boat?

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