What in the biblical fuck is going on in the united States?
Is this another one of those second screen experiences? I can't get excited about these direct to streaming movies no matter how big the names and budget. Damn fools did it to themselves.
He has three grown douchey adult children to make sure it works really really really good.
Release the piss tapes putin
Whatever happened to Abbot being a piss baby? Is he still?
The worst thing about it is that this kind of garbage is leaking out of the United States. US citizens are weird af and poorly educated.
Trump is a diaper wearing bitch. Fuck that russian tool
Good at stealing it. Making money sounds like he's earned it somehow.
Unrelated, but goddang I want more Stargate with Momoa and Chris Judge
Theory+evidence = basis for establishing a fact. Quacks like a duck... Weak ass journalist fucks. Passive mfers.