It's too soon after the tragic loss of our beloved CEO to discuss gun policy. /S
Wrote off $30m before letting the project go
Oh yay what about the other guys.
Don't you mean make a donation to the pac?
I thought apple didn't allow the baddies to use their tech
I wasn't even supposed to be here today.
For millions of United States Americans, the so called "American Dream" is achieved in Mexico. They're often illegal immigrants. They often have mental health problems. They gentrify our cities and are entitled as fuck.
Pot calling kettle and all, but I do wish they'd go back to their own shithole country. They have demonized my country for decades and have weaponized the cartels to feed their own addictions. Most of the problems here can be tied directly to their humongous drug problems.
Yankee go home. The United Mexican States is tired of your shit.
ITT: Cockroaches are known for their ability to survive in almost any environment.
Tbh this is mostly a yank thing. If you come to my country it's a quick glance at the passport, 2 or 3 questions and a "Bienvenido."
Pro birth is not how you spell control over 50% of the population.
Weed is how yanks learn about the metric system