So I'm totally save-scumming along the way, at least for my first playthrough. But damn was that fight hard even on normal. Was finally able to save Isobel but it ended up costing me Jaheira as she got swarmed by 3 of the enemies while I was dumping everything into Marcus. And at this point not going to try again.
Question though, when I got to the inn only a few tieflings were there and the rest had been kidnapped? Not sure what I might have missed to cause that?
Correct. As I can only provide links to posts that are on your selected home instance. Eventually I'll change this but you'll get a 404 page for links that aren't on your home instance, but see my P.S. below.
P.s. there have been changes to the Lemmy API that have prevented me from getting updates for about a month now. So most of the results you're seeing are from old posts only. Until I can rebuild the crawler or find a new API there won't be any new content.