Are they? These seem to be completely different products to me. One has caffeine and artificial sugar whereas the other has neither. I'd have a hard time believing these are the same products and not just similar ones with confusing names
joined 2 years ago
Fuck great call. I thought having two "war" novels might make the joke worse but Infinite Jest is peak big brain public masturbation reading material
Based off of the try-hard linkedin douches I know I'd say:
- The Art of War
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
- Rich-dad poor-dad
- The Art of the Deal
You gotta go to Japan at some point. This is the default for their convenience stores
Homer Simpson used to be comically fat. Several Simpsons episodes are about his insatiable hunger. I know plenty of people who are way bigger than that cartoon character
I'm gonna screw this stud
My back of the napkin math says that can't be accurate. Unless several of those dairy products are misrepresented or the amount of food shown in the container is exaggerated, this can't be a realistic measurement of the calories
Does this take into account using sorcery points for extra casts or using the evocation wizard max damage ability?