
joined 8 months ago
[–] m4m4m4m4 33 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

More advanced forms of timocracy, where power derives entirely from wealth with no regard for social or civic responsibility, may shift in their form and become a plutocracy where the wealthy rule.


[–] m4m4m4m4 7 points 4 days ago

I agree, this is super clean and responsive and well thought it feels like premium. And the dev actually takes care of it and listens to the users.

Go try that with Reddit/Facebook/Xitter/whatever.

[–] m4m4m4m4 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Can't tell about other brands, but one reason I decided to pull the trigger and get myself a Wahoo (an Elemnt Roam v2) after a lifetime of not having any cycling head unit whatsoever was that it has a clock (well, and the maps and altitude/inclination info). I'd bet other Wahoos have this feature too. I'd be really, really surpsised if Garmins don't have this feature - I'd say that stating that "most head units don't have this feature" is bs.

Granted, I wish the wahoo had a setting to get rid of the "a.m./p.m." text, which makes the numbers a bit too small compared to other numbers in the screen. When asked support about this they replied me something in the lines of "the unit follows the setting of the phone it is paired to", so if your phone shows time in 12 hour format, then the unit does so, and if the phone shows time in 24 hour format, so does your unit. Which is a bit nonsensical but it's still great to be able to see the time of the day there. I wish I could had that thing/could afford such a thing when I had to go to uni and work.

[–] m4m4m4m4 5 points 4 days ago

I wonder if people from 1000 years from now (if there's still people at that time, of course) would look back at our so-called "civilization" and make fun of us about our excess consumption of sugar, same as now we are doing with microplastics/nicotine/alcohol/etc or a few yeas ago about lead.

[–] m4m4m4m4 63 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I love Gentoo precisely because of Portage, but I think the most badass package install/uninstall syntax has to be that of (the defunct?) Sorcerer Linux:

Sorcerer’s tool terminology is based upon magic words. For example:

  • a tool to download, compile, and install software is called a “spell”
  • to install a package is “cast”
  • to remove a package is “dispel”
  • a set of available spells is called a “grimoire”
[–] m4m4m4m4 1 points 1 week ago

I got a Logitech MX Mouse Master 3s. Not sure if it can fit into what you want or need because I'm no gamer (like, not even minesweeper) but it has more than 5 buttons.

I set it up with logiops so you could customize its buttons - for example I set up one of its buttons to open KDE Plasma's overview.

Good mouse overall though the bottom cavity where the wheel resides can get dirty so I have to open it like every couple of months to clean it.

[–] m4m4m4m4 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Call me insane but I'm using a mix of parafine + beeswax. No problems whatsoever yet - it's been great.

[–] m4m4m4m4 2 points 1 week ago

Falkon, because it's fully integrated to KDE. Though I wish an actual Qt web browser running Gecko (or Servo, maybe one day) existed.

[–] m4m4m4m4 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I mean, not that there have been tons of successive civilizations around here, so... And yet if that was the case, you'll need to take in account that oral lore may have had a hand in the names of places, so it's mostly improbable that a place has had completely different names with each civilization.

(Edit: people downvoting/replying to this thinking I was talking just about the USA is hilarious - reddit syndrome much?)

[–] m4m4m4m4 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

In my third world country the real issue is about costs. At this very moment cooking with gas is cheaper than cooking with electric.

The gas provider company mandates an inspection on every home gas apppliance and the installation every 5 years to check for good connections and correct ventilation (if a home does not pass the checks the service is suspended), so I guess at least it diminishes the risks to some degree.

But still since gas is going to be a lot expensive in the following weeks, maybe the tables will turn. But then you'll need to get an electric stove.


Long ago from somewhere I can't remember I got a script that sends piped output to klipper - so for example one can pipe the output of a command to klipper and paste it somewhere else, which for me is pretty useful and neat.

It goes like this:


function copy {
›   # check for stdin
›   if ! tty -s && stdin=$(</dev/stdin) && [[ "$stdin" ]]; then
›   ›   # get the rest of stdin
›   ›   stdin=$stdin$(cat)
›   ›   # oh, nice - user input! we set that as current
›   ›   # clipboard content
›   ›   qdbus6 org.kde.klipper /klipper setClipboardContents "$stdin"
›   ›   exit
›   fi

›   # if we reach this point no user input was given and we print out the current contents of the clipboard
›   qdbus6 org.kde.klipper /klipper getClipboardContents

copy $@


The thing is that since the 6.3 update this not longer works - the text is indeed piped to Klipper, but it's not longer possible to paste it somewhere else without going to klipper's entry in the panel tray and clicking the piped text to actually have it available at the clipboard first.

Is this a just me problem or is there any chance that someone else around here is facing the same?

Humans included* (lemmy.world)
Potatoes ftw (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by m4m4m4m4 to c/lemmyshitpost
submitted 2 months ago by m4m4m4m4 to c/memes
Know your drums (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by m4m4m4m4 to c/drums
AgCl3 (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by m4m4m4m4 to c/sciencememes

Knowing one can change the typeface and font size for Qt apps in their settings file, i.e. I set Krunner so it shows with a bigger font than default with the following in ~/.config/krunnerrc:

font=An Awesome Typeface,16,-1,5,25,0,0,0,0,0,Regular

But this happens to change the typeface for all texts used within Krunner, so it ends looking like in the first example of the image.

Which is fine, but I'd want the text input in the font to be bold. So trying

font=An Awesome Typeface,16,-1,5,25,0,0,0,0,0,Bold

Gives the result shown in the second example.

Is there any way to make it so only the text input has a bold font, like in the third example?

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