
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Fucking nobody wants to go back to an office full-time.

As someone that strongly prefers working in an office, this makes me sad. I do my best work when I’m surrounded by other people doing the same kind of work as me. Coworking spaces and body doubling on Discord don’t work the same (and one of those is $300-$400 a month to boot). I realize I can’t make my coworkers come in. But god damn do I wish they had any desire to work in person. I haven’t seen most of them in person in 3 years, and half of them are within walking distance of the office!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As such, there's one death to mourn and like four to actively celebrate.

No death should be actively celebrated, imo. No matter who they were, or what they've done, they were people. Every single human being that has ever existed, or will ever exist, deserves at least the same level of baseline respect. And for me, that includes not celebrating their death.

I'm not telling other people not to feel the way they do, to be clear here. Emotions are individual, and no emotion is inherently wrong to feel. I just want people to leave me out of that celebration, and not assume I feel the same way they do.

(I realize that I started this thread here, so obviously not talking about you in particular. More people on the other parts of the internet I visit that don't take "please don't have this conversation with me" as a valid response to a topic I dislike)


I know on the discord there's a channel dedicated for linking to helpful documents and websites. It's a huge help, especially for people new to the community or the concept of nuzlocking itself.

Afaik there's no way to pin specific posts on lemmy, so I was wondering if we wanted to get a list of helpful links set up in the sidebar. Things like the tracker, the guide on which games are viable for which monotype runs, that sort of thing.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I always have subtitles turned on for games. Audio processing isn't my strong suit at the best of times, let alone when fantasy accents and weird vocabulary end up involved. I usually end up using them for TV shows and movies as well, at least when watching by myself. I just wish real life came with them, haha.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

You should see what applying for ODSP is like when your spouse has a mental illness and the doctor "doesn't have time" to sign the papers for 10+ years...

I'm very glad I don't have that experience! I know a couple people on ODSP and it's definitely a nightmare trying to apply and then managing all the restrictions they place on you.

I agree that some things are a little confusing about Rose's scenario in particular. And she definitely needs some help navigating the legal and tax side of all of this!


This is… absolutely horrible. I fully support the concept of MAID, but this isn’t what it should be for!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The code is open source, right? I’m tempted to go poking at it. I genuinely enjoy writing good front end code and am a fairly design-oriented developer, so it might be fun to put up a PR or two.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Freezies! Orange is the best, followed by red and then white/clear.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately, it’s usually struggling with “actually doing the thing”.

I’m lucky that my reminders have worked for the things I consistently actually forget, haha.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I don’t generally drink at all, so that part is easy haha.

I’m definitely a “show on in the background” kind of person when I’m working from home. Podcasts I end up getting too into them and ignore my work.

I find myself wandering when I’m doing anything requiring mental effort. Debugging a weird test (mocking axios requests is currently the bane of my existence), writing API routes, that kind of thing. Anything I can do without having to think too hard about it gets done pretty effectively. The problem is that I’m almost senior, so I’m expected to do the hard tickets!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

The timers work, but only for a week or so at a time. Then they stop working for a few weeks. Repeat. XD Same with my reminders (because yeah, the Reminders app is a godsend).

I am medicated, but we’re still figuring out the dosage. I’m on 18mg Concerta right now - probably going to ask my doctor to raise it at our next appointment. See how that goes.

Background noise is generally helpful for me as well. I usually have the TV on in the background! Generally a series I’ve seen before, but right now I’m working my way through King of the Hill. Anything that I can half-listen to and still be able to follow, haha.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

God I wish that worked. XD Body doubling digitally doesn’t seem to be effective for me.


Hey all! I’m a software developer that was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago.

My productivity went to complete shit during Covid and hasn’t recovered. Part of the issue is that I’ve learned body doubling is one of the most effective ways for me to get stuff done. And, unfortunately for me, no one has wanted to come back into the office. I’ve tried setting reminders for myself to get routine-but-not-daily tasks done, but those only worked for a couple weeks. Pomodoro timers the same.

Anyone have any tips for being more productive at work? Ideally oriented toward software development, but I’ll take anything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I think overall there might be desire to move nuzlockes into their own community. But I don’t think that will come anytime soon, so it’s probably fine to leave them here for now. Wait until things hit critical mass before splitting.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Why is PHP problematic? It’s not a fantastic language, but it’s perfectly functional.

Source: 80% of my code base at work is in PHP


Personally, I think Questionable Content, Kevin and Kell, and Dumbing of Age are great for this. They all have a ton of history, and Kevin and Kell is actually one of the longest running webcomics ever.

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